Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for your interest in the 2025 Annual Meeting

Registration for the 2025 ACC Annual Meeting is now open! Take advantage of early bird pricing.

Register Today 

Already registered? Please review the ACC Events Code of Conduct and Registration Policies.

Some of the below steps ask you to refer to your Registration Statement. Request to have your Registration Statement re-sent.

Have a question about CLE/CPD credit? Jump to that section

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ACC Annual Meeting 2025 Philadelphia PA


  • No, there is not a virtual attendance option.

    Most sessions will be recorded. If you are interested in accessing session recordings, you may purchase access through the Online Education library after the 2025 Annual Meeting. Recordings are not available for free viewing.

  • Yes, most sessions will be recorded. If you are interested in accessing session recordings, you may purchase access through the Online Education library after the 2025 Annual Meeting. Recordings are not available for free viewing.

  • No. You MUST be a confirmed attendee of the 2025 Annual Meeting in order to make your reservation at one of the host hotels and receive the ACC negotiated rate.

    • Please note that you are not considered a confirmed attendee until you have received a registration confirmation email from ACC Education.
    • ONLY by using the link provided via your Registration Statement can you book within the ACC hotel block and receive the ACC negotiated rate. The hotel room blocks are available until the blocks expire on the deadlines listed in the Official Hotel Block chart and as long as rooms are still available.
  • Annual Meeting programming begins Sunday October 19, 2025 and ends midday Wednesday, October 22, 2025.

    The ACC Foundation Corporate Counsel Classic, for which separate registration is required, begins on Saturday, October 18, 2025.

    If you are having trouble checking in before Friday, October 17 or checking out after Wednesday, October 22 when making your hotel reservation, please adjust your check-in or check-out dates so they are within that window. The booking page should then allow you to book.

    If you need to check in before October 17 or check out after October 22, make your reservation online for the dates within the ACC block, then contact the hotel of your choice directly to add additional nights. The ACC negotiated prices are NOT guaranteed on dates outside the official block.

  • No. Cancelling your Annual Meeting registration will NOT automatically cancel your hotel reservation. Please contact your hotel directly to cancel your reservation. Your hotel reservation cancellation is subject to the hotel’s cancellation policy.

  • Please visit our Hotel & Travel page for important reminders and info about the official ACC hotel block.

    Please visit our Rates page for answers to your registration-related questions.

  • While onsite, most attendees choose to dress business casual. We encourage you to dress comfortably, as we want to encourage an informal environment, in which your attention is centered on your education.

    Please note:

    • Meeting rooms are often a bit cool, so dress accordingly.
    • Additionally, wear comfortable shoes, as you will be walking within the convention center between meeting rooms and throughout the exhibit hall.
  • Once session selection opens in spring 2025:

    1. Visit your Registration Statement, click on the red "Options" dropdown at the top right, and choose "Select your sessions."
    2. Check or uncheck the box next to the session(s) you wish to change your attendance of.
    3. Be sure to click "Save My Selections" at the bottom of the page.

    Don't have your Registration Statement? Request to have it re-sent

  • Course materials will become available closer to the meeting, and will also be accessible through your Registration Statement, linked in your confirmation email.

    Don't have your Registration Statement? Request to have it re-sent

  • Thank you for speaking! We can credit 100% of your registration payment toward a future ACC event. When you know which event you would like to attend, simply let us know at sends email), and we will start your registration and apply the credit.

    Here are the details regarding credits from the 2025 Annual Meeting:

    Credit issued may be used towards the following ACC in-person educational programs: 2026 Annual Meeting, 2026 Corporate Counsel University, 2026 CLO Global Summit (eligibility requirements apply), 2026 Securities Law + Disclosure Seminar, or 2026 Executive leadership Institute (eligibility requirements apply). Credit may not be used towards any other educational programs not included above. Credit may not be divided among programs and any remaining funds following credit application will be forfeited. Credit cannot be carried over to the following year. NO EXCEPTIONS. Credit may be transferred to an eligible attendee from the same organization, but written notification of transfer (via sends email)) must be received from the original purchaser in order for the credit to be valid. Credit may not be used towards ACC membership dues. Credit will expire October 7, 2026.

  • Please check your junk/spam folder or quarantine. Additionally, please work with your IT department to place sends email) on your approved or safe senders list. This will ensure you receive important pre- and post-meeting emails, including information on program materials and CLE/CPD credit.

    If you have emailed multiple times with no response, your emails (or our responses) may unfortunately be getting caught in spam. Customer service is of utmost importance to us, so please give us a call at +1 202.293.4103 x 451 and we would be happy to assist.

CLE/CPD & Certification Credit

  • On the program schedule and on your personal session selection page (after you have registered for the meeting), click on the dropdown "Select learning path" and choose "Likely eligible for CLE/CPD credit." 

    • On the program schedule, the sessions will shrink to only those sessions that are likely eligible for credit. 
    • On your session selection page, doing this will highlight in yellow the sessions that are likely eligible for credit.

    Please check back in spring/summer 2025 for updated CLE/CPD information.



  • Please check back in spring 2025 for updates to sessions' anticipated CLE eligibility.

    This session is eligible for CLE/CPD credit.

    Based on title, description, and submitted course materials of the session, it qualifies for CLE/CPD credit in most jurisdictions.


    To help you as you select sessions, the below types of programs are likely to qualify for credit in most jurisdictions:

    • Skills: “How to … as a lawyer”;
    • Substantive discussion of law;
    • Specialty credits: Ethics, Elimination of Bias (EOB), Substance Use Disorders, Mental Health Issues, Diversity
      • Many jurisdictions have special requirements, but we are seeing more approvals of EOB, Diversity, and Wellness credits.


    This session may be eligible for CLE/CPD credit.

    The session’s description is still forthcoming or may still be edited to encompass additional aspects that would make it more likely to be eligible for credit.


    As you select your sessions, please note that the below types of programs may qualify for credit (not guaranteed), since they have caveats:

    • Law Practice Management: Legal Technology, Project Management, Office Systems, Billing
      • Must focus on specific skills lawyers need and the effect that the skills may have on the practice of law
    • Soft Skills: Communication, Leadership, Time Management, Speaking Skills
      • Must be created specifically for and focused on application to a lawyer audience


    This session is INELIGIBLE for CLE/CPD credit.

    Based on the session’s title, description, and submitted course materials, it does not qualify for CLE/CPD credit.


    As you select your sessions, please note that the below types of programs are unlikely to qualify for credit:

    • Marketing, Client Development, Career Development, Vendor Demos
    • Review the sessions you plan to attend, and review the sessions' CLE note in their descriptions. Also refer to the CLE/CPD chart (link coming soon).
      • If your jurisdiction approved the session, you will earn credit once you attend the course for its scheduled duration.
      • If the jurisdiction did not approve the session, you may still attend the course; however, your jurisdiction will not award you CLE/CPD credit for attending.
    • Pending session approval, in 60-minute states, every 60 minutes of instruction equals 1.0 credit. In 50-minute states, every 60 minutes of instruction equals 1.2 credits.
  • The total credits listed reflect the maximum number of credits an attendee can earn at the 2025 ACC Annual Meeting, including the maximum ethics/specialty credits. See the CLE/CPD chart here (link coming soon).

  • For some jurisdictions, ACC will report your confirmed credits to your state bar for you.

    For others, you will need to self-report your credits.

    This information will be included in the CLE/CPD chart (link coming soon).

  • About 1-2 weeks following the end of the meeting, we will email all attendees with information about accessing their personal CLE/CPD Service Center, where they will be able to:

    • confirm their contact details,
    • confirm their jurisdiction(s),
    • confirm the sessions they attended in-person, and then
    • download their Certificate of Attendance.

    Didn't receive the email about CLE/CPD credits?

    We ask attendees to first check their spam/junk mail folders. The email sender will be ACC Education.

    If you still can't find the email, please contact us at sends email) and we will re-send you that information.

    Questions about specific jurisdictions/states, or specific sessions? 

    Please email sends email).

  • VA Credit Timing

    As you may know, the Virginia State Bar (VSB) has become increasingly strict when granting Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) credit for programs, especially ethics credit. Regrettably, due to the VSB’s filing review timelines, it will be impossible for ACC to guarantee in advance exactly which 2025 Annual Meeting (AM25) sessions will be granted general and ethics credit by Virginia.

    ACC Guidance

    To help guide your program selection process, prior to the 2025 Annual Meeting we will send all Virginia attorneys registered for the conference a list of sessions that we anticipate will be granted Virginia credit. We cannot guarantee their approval, but we will suggest a curriculum using our best judgment having reviewed the quality of the course materials submitted by AM25 speakers.

    Alternatively, given this uncertainty we also strongly encourage you to consider rolling over your 2025 Annual Meeting credits to your 2026 MCLE compliance year. We would not want you to inadvertently run afoul of your deadlines, since there is a chance that Virginia may not respond to our filing with the anticipated approvals until after the December 15th reporting deadline.

    VA CLE Reminders

    As you map out your AM25 schedule, we offer a couple of reminders:

    • The VSB denies credit for sessions on the topics of Law Department Management, Business/Management, Leadership, Legal Operations, and other non-traditional legal topics.
    • Ethics credit is only granted for courses that objectively and specifically address "topics embraced in recognized formulations of rules of professional conduct or codes of professional responsibility applicable to attorneys." Ethics in government, business, and other professions do not qualify for this specialty credit.

    For more general information about Virginia MCLE requirements and deadlines, please visit the VSB website:

    We realize that this is a significant inconvenience, but we assure you that we are committed to doing all we can to mitigate this challenge for Virginia attorneys who attend the ACC Annual Meeting each October. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

  • Contact sends email). Please allow 2 business days for replies.

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