
After more than 20 years of study and more than 40 years of representing corporate counsel both within the U.S. and throughout the world, ACC has learned that empowered CLOs – those that have a “seat” at both the executive and boardroom tables – are in the best possible position to guide organizations in their compliance with legal and ethical obligations.

Upskill Today

A Seat at the Board Table
Nasdaq's Center for Board Excellence asks the question, Does your CLO Have a Seat at the Board Table? and offers an overview of the hallmarks of a successful CLO-board relationship.
Unlocking the Strategic Potential of the Chief Legal Officer: The Power of Reporting Structure
Results from the 2024 CLO Survey give a fuller picture of organizations with CLOs that report to the CEO and have a close connection with the board of directors.
The Power of Transparency and Trust: The CLO-Board Relationship
Nasdaq's Center for Board Excellence and ACC spoke with Steve Madden's general counsel and board director about the elements that make for a productive and powerful board-CLO relationship.


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