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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

Join ACC

Why Sponsor and Advertise with ACC?

ACC offers opportunities to engage with a global audience of legal professionals. If your organization markets its products and services to corporate law departments, there is no better audience than ACC.

Our community of in-house legal professionals includes 45,000+ members from 85 countries who participate in 60 chapters and 21 networks. Becoming an advertiser or sponsor with ACC gives you a unique opportunity to effectively target and reach the largest community of global in-house counsel.

Sponsorship is available at in-person events and programs, as well as digital and newsletter advertising. Advertising with ACC provides your brand with access to a distinct legal market segment. You'll not only raise awareness of your organization, brand, products, and solutions or services but also build a stronger relationship with the world's leading bar association for in-house counsel.





of the Global 1000


of Fortune 100 companies



Lead Generation, Thought Leadership, and Branding Opportunities

Showcase your industrial thought leadership expertise and promote your thought leadership and/or content marketing material via ACC co-branded emails to 31,000 of our opt-in members worldwide. ACC Co-branded Thought Leadership emails reach up to 34,000 in-house legal professionals who opt-in to receive well-thought-out resources of thought leadership.

Gain year-long visibility with ACC’s Vendor Directory. A company listing places your business in categories designed to help ACC members and other legal decision-makers. The ACC Vendor Directory is a resource that is actively promoted to over 45,000+ ACC members worldwide.

View Prospectus

The ACC advertising media kit includes rates and incentives for digital advertising with,, ACC newsletters, and more View the newly redesigned consists of exclusive features.

The ACC Partner Knowledge Center consists of vendor-sponsored insights and thought leadership resources of various types designed to be helpful in your business, practice area,or career.

ACC Online Education sponsorship is the landscape for all online and virtual education programs. Sponsorship requirements are disclosed in the Sponsorship Guideline.

View Prospectus. *New prospectus coming soon!

Event Sponsorship Opportunities

April 14 - 16, 2024 | Chicago, IL

Legal Ops Con is ACC’s second-largest in-person program, attracting legal operations professionals and in-house counsel. The program provides the opportunity for legal operation professionals and in-house counsel to come together to advance the corporate legal operations function, by sharing knowledge and learning about the latest trends, advancements, and the future of the legal operations profession.

2024 Sponsorship Prospectus

June 26 - 28, 2024 | Denver, Colorado

CCU® gathers in-house counsel who are new to that role and responsible for any number of practice areas as well as department management issues. Sponsors will have the opportunity to showcase their subject matter expertise and legal services in an intimate two-day program designed specifically for lawyers who are new to in-house practice or are looking to sharpen their fundamental practice skills in a dynamic and interactive workshop and roundtable discussion

2024 Sponsorship Prospectus

May 22 - 24, 2024 | Edinburgh, Scotland

The CLO Global Summit is an annual gathering of the highest-ranking lawyers from legal departments from around the world. Over the course of two-and-a-half days, this group focuses on critical legal and business issues that impact today’s global enterprises.

2024 Sponsorship Prospectus

July 30 - August 2, 2024 | Chicago, IL

ELI is a one-of-a-kind master class specifically tailored for rising in-house counsel leaders who demonstrate promise to become general counsel during their careers, as well as brand-new general counsel with 12 or fewer months serving in their first GC role. This program is a unique opportunity for participants to engage in enriching discussions with and learn from seasoned experts on successfully navigating the challenges of being a general counsel.

2024 Sponsorship Prospectus

October 06 - 09, 2024 | Nashville, TN, USA

The ACC Annual Meeting is the largest in-house event of its kind consistently drawing over 2,500 in-house counsel. This meeting is a rare opportunity that allows sponsors to present their products and services to a large, exclusive in-house counsel audience. 

2024 Sponsorship Prospectus

Other ACC Sponsorship Opportunities

ACC Legal Operations Maturity Model is a competitive sponsorship that assesses the maturity, develop roadmaps, and advance from Early to Intermediate stages in 14 functional areas

View Prospectus 

ACC networks are member groups organized around substantive legal practice areas or practice types, allowing members to exchange ideas and expertise. ACC offers law firms and legal service providers the opportunity to sponsor a network on an annual basis.

View Prospectus 

ACC Alliance with leading legal and business service providers that offer high-quality products and services specifically designed for in-house practitioners and ACC members to enjoy special rates and exclusive offerings.

For more information contact Moustafa Abdel-Kader


Become an ACC Global Resource Provider and highlight your legal resources to ACC's 45,000+ members through ACC Resources. A complimentary republication opportunity is available. For more information contact legal resources at


ACC Research and ACC Benchmarking Services provide partnership opportunities to present relevant data on legal department spending, staffing, structure, and managing outside counsel. 


Thank you for your interest in ACC sponsorships. For more information, submit your request using the link, here, and our Business Development team will contact you soon. 

Meet the Team

Moustafa Abdel-Kader
Senior Director, Business Development
+1 202.349.1523

Jessica Cocuzza
Senior Manager, Business Development
+ 1 202.696.1550 

Abeer Burhan
Specialist, Business Development
+1 202.696.1551