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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

Join ACC

To attend any of the sessions or participate in the live chat you must be registered for the ACC Annual Meeting.  All career related activities will be accessible through the career development lounge in the exhibit hall. 



Be sure to join one of our live group coaching chats:

Sheila Murphy on October 13, 2020 at 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

Amii Barnard-Bahn on October 14, 2020 at 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST

Whitnie Wiley on October 15, 2020 at 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST

Live and On-demand Wellness & Career-focused programs:

Lara Wentworth

Topic: Promoting a Healthy Mindset for Your Practice 
Date/Time: 10/12/20 at 7:00pm - 7:45pm EST (10/13/20 10:00am AUS)
Event: Pre-Recorded presentation with Live Chat

The session highlights some of the elements that a “healthy mindset” might include and provides some practical strategies to improve focus, manage states and live in line with values. 

A healthy mindset results in wellbeing and this can mean so many different things. It also means that we have the courage to set boundaries around our life and work especially with the increasing blurred lines as to when work starts and finishes due to technology making us accessible 24/7. It may mean that we change the way we work and adopt healthier measures to preserve our wellbeing. 

Stewart Hirsch and Deanna Sheridan

Topic: Presence for Legal Executives
Date/Time:  10/13/20 12:15pm-1:00pm EST
Event: Live Session

Are you looking for an edge to increase your influence in your organization?  And to enhance your leadership skills? Right now? Start with your own presence as an executive. The impression you make in meetings and in group and individual communications - with your Board, your peers, your manager, and your direct reports - affects your effectiveness.   Learn what works and what does not in this highly interactive workshop related to the Presence that legal executives need to be successful.

Whitnie Wiley

Topic: Interviewing 2020 Style: Maximizing Your Story and Your Virtual Game 
Date/Time: 10/13/20  2:00pm - 2:45pm EST (11:00am PST)
Event: Pre-recorded presentation with Live Chat

In this session, Whitnie Wiley, walks you through considerations to address to make sure you present your best self in your interviews. Instead of sharing tips for the best way to answer interview questions, your presenter helps you get in touch with who you are, namely through your values and priorities, and what you bring to the table for a potential employer. 

You'll learn the importance of:

· Vision
· Mindset
· Purpose
· Passion
· Balance

With clarity on these factors, you'll begin to focus your search only on those jobs that are in alignment with your values and priorities. 

Sheila Murphy

Topic: Leading Through Uncertainty and Change
Date/Time: 10/13/20 1:00pm-1:45pm EST
Event: Live Session

We are living in an alternate world that bears no resemblance to the one a year ago and will be bringing transformational change to how we live and work.  Extraordinary leaders at all levels, help their teams and organizations live and adapt to uncertainty, and embrace ever-morphing change and create a vision for a better future.  This session will teach skills necessary to lead through these transformational times, as well as ones in the future. 

Nicole Davidson

Topic:  Negotiation – What You Don’t Already Know
Date/Time: 10/13/20 5:00pm-5:45pm EST (10/14/20 8:00am AUS)
Event: Pre-Recorded presentation with Live Chat

The two most important skills needed by a lawyer are the ability to write clearly and the ability to negotiate.  These skills are generally not taught at law school but learned by trial and error through legal practice.  In this session we will look at the foundational skills of negotiation to put some structure around what you’ve picked up in practice and to highlight some of the common mistakes that are made.  You’ll take away some practical tips to implement in your next negotiation.

Rolf Pfeiffer & Kantologos Fellows 
(Beth Masterman,  Maribel Aleman; Douglas Choo; Fernando Morais, John Lazar)

Topic:  Understanding and Enhancing Resilience 
Date/Time: 10/14/2020 1:15 pm–2:00pm EST  
Event:  Live Session

During our live session, we will look at how everyone can understand and enhance their personal resilience, and from the help others in their environment do the same.  We define resilience (along the American Psychological Association) as, the process of adapting well in the face of adversity that involves, "bouncing back and personal growth." We will explore what anyone can do easily to access sources of personal resilience during the presentation and will be open for a few questions.  We will look at the environment that we work in (think urban planning) and how this can help develop individual resilience, discuss how various perspectives can be used to determine options (think architecture) and make recommendations for concrete activities that will foster individual resilience (think interior design) for the individual. 

Amii Barnard-Bahn, JD

Topic: Challenges of Remote Work/Improve Team Effectiveness Using 5 Key Factors
Date/Time:10/14/20 12:15pm-1:00pm EST
Event: Live Session

As leaders, we know that in order to accomplish great things, we must achieve our largest goals through others - within a team structure.  It takes thoughtful work to manage factors which can negatively impact team performance - especially in these challenging times.  Organizational culture, competing initiatives, and intrateam issues may affect your ability to keep projects focused and on track to deliver results for your customers. In this session, we will break teamwork performance down, into five critical competencies and discuss how you can measure and improve each of these. 

Charlotte Smith

Topic: Linkedin for Lawyers: Creating dream jobs & building your reputation using Linkedin.
Date/Time: 10/14/20 at 2:15pm-3:00pm EST
Event: Live Session 

Lawyers: Curious about creating dream jobs & building your reputation through the digital space?
It can be done! Join us for this Linkedin for Lawyers webinar. 

What you will learn:

· Why LinkedIn is the #1 platform lawyers should be exploring
· How to develop a robust LinkedIn strategy to create dream opportunities online
· Identify your audience, up-level your profile, and rocket your reputation
· Complelling content sharing for lawyers
· Create strong relationships using the "Know, Like, Trust" method

Claire Bibby

Topic: How to stand out in an interview for an in-house role
Date/Time: 10/14/20 6:00pm - 6:45pm EST (10/15/20 9:00am AUS)
Event: Pre-Recorded with Live Chat

Learn how to stand out in an interview for an in-house role with, Claire Bibby, a senior lawyer and professional Life Coach to lawyers.  Having been one of Australia's best known General Counsels and public speakers, she has hired and coached hundreds of lawyers, both locally and internationally, and knows what works and what doesn't. In this presentation,

Claire shares skills and techniques on:

· how to stand out in a crowded market of candidates for in-house counsel roles
· interviewing types and techniques
· alternative career paths for lawyers
· how a coach can help you get ahead of the pack

Frieda Levycky

Topic:  Mental Health Matters: When law and life collide – shaping the future of in-house law
Date/Time: 10/15/2020 12:30pm-1:15pm EST (6:30pm SAST)
Event:  Live Session  

The legal sector has had a mental health problem for years. The statistics prove it - but because of the stigma attached to “mental health”, very little has been done to address common mental health issues faced by the legal community. The thing is though – with the importance of mental health now firmly on the agenda – both individuals and corporates alike will need to adapt to new ways of working and thinking. 

Join me for a short discussion on mental health in the legal sector and learn some practical ways in which both corporates and individuals can shape the future of in-house law.

Jason Levin

Topic: Interview Like a Talk Show Host - Land the Job
Date/Time: 10/15/20 1:30pm- 2:15pm EST
Event: Live Session

You have reached the final frontier in your job search. Background music, maestro: the job interview! If it goes well, a potential job awaits. How is it that some candidates stand out and create a unique connection with their potential employer? Great candidates approach their job interviews no differently than famous talk show hosts approach their upcoming media interviews. In a short period of time, they tell their unique stories and elicit key experiences from the people in front of them. In this session you will hear from Jason Levin, as he outlines interviewing best practices. 

Sarah Lynn Oquist 

Topic: A Director’s View in Real Life: How to Get the Most Out of Your Board of Directors
Date/Time: 10/15/20 2:30pm-3:15pm EST
Event: Live Session

A seasoned company board director shares her perspective on the value in having a board of directors, the role of a corporate director, and the steps a corporate secretary and other company leaders can take to assist the corporate board members in best fulfilling their duties and providing the most value to the company. This presentation, shortened from the director’s hour-long keynote, will provide a brief overview followed by time for questions and answers.

Katie Gray

Topic: INNOVATE or STAGNATE: unlock your personal potential to learn and adapt amidst rapid and relentless change 
Date/Time: 10/15/20 7:00pm-7:45pm EST (10/16/20 12:00pm New Zealand)
Event: Pre-recorded with Live Chat
During times of rapid and relentless change one thing is clear. If we fail to learn, we fail to adapt, and we get left behind.  

In this workshop you will:

· Complete a self-assessment excercise to uncover your person barriers to learning
· Better understand your habitual response when you are faced with the unknown and consider whether these are working for you
· Apply your learning by developing a personalized practice (involving language, moods and body disposition) to counteract your most prevalent barriers to learning and make a shift towards becoming a more effective learner

To attend any of the sessions or participate in the live chat you must be registered for the ACC Annual Meeting.  All career related activities will be accessible through the career development lounge in the exhibit hall.   
