Beyond Legal Education
At this year’s ACC Annual Meeting, you’ll have the opportunity to learn and enhance important skills you weren’t taught in law school.
Choose from these beneficial sessions…
Increase Resiliency: Incorporating Mindfulness in Our Practice
Join the discussion on resilience, why we need it, how it impacts us when we don’t have it and what tools of mindfulness we can use to allow us to tap into greater resilience for our legal practice.
Managing Workplace Intensity
This workshop will facilitate a dialogue with lawyers on the most challenging aspects of work, and on how certain approaches to workplace challenges can drain us while others can help move us towards promoting productivity, rather than detract from it.
Disrupting Bias—Mindfulness Tools to Support Recipients of Bias
Each person in the workplace holds biases. This session will offer tools for bias victims (or recipients) to cope with managing the impact of the cumulative burden of bias to support the engagement and retention of impacted individuals.
Take Back Your Life®! Using Microsoft Outlook to Manage Your Daily Workload and Save Hours Per Week
This two-hour workshop will help you establish personal and professional boundaries, focus on getting the real work done, and implement an effective and proactive approach to managing your email and daily tasks.
See the complete session descriptions and schedule.
Career Coaching
Finding your next job or taking your career to the next level can be a challenge. That’s why you should take advantage of the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a leading executive coach for free while attending the Annual Meeting. Each coaching session will provide a variety of benefits suited to your needs and will last 30-45 minutes. Meet our coaches!
You must be an Annual Meeting registrant before you can take advantage of this and other benefits. Register now.