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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

Join ACC

If you are the highest-ranking legal officer of your organization, this program is for you. The CLO Club takes place at the 2019 ACC Annual Meeting and features exclusive networking opportunities and executive-level education designed specifically for the chief legal officer. Plan now to join your CLO colleagues for a well-planned schedule of engaging activities.

CLO Club Reception (by private invitation)


Roundtable Discussions

Open only to the organization’s highest-ranking legal officer, the CLO Club includes three sets of three 90-minute, interactive roundtable discussions. One set is for CLOs from small/medium legal departments (1–8 attorneys); one set is for CLOs from larger legal departments (9+ attorneys); and one set is for senior in-house leaders who report directly to the chief legal officer.

A fellow CLO will facilitate discussions, providing you with the opportunity to benchmark and network with your peers at leading companies. Roundtables are highly interactive, small group discussions enabling CLOs to share their best practices and strategize together on today’s most challenging corporate issues.

Note: Space for the CLO Club is limited and participation is pending eligibility and approval. Register now for the ACC Annual Meeting and indicate your interest in exclusive, CLO-only programs. ACC will apply for CLE/CPD credit for CLO Club sessions; however, credit awards are based on approval by individual jurisdictions and thus cannot be guaranteed.


Please email Justin Connor(link sends email), director of CLO and stakeholder engagement.