Overview (Program Summary)
A program hosted by:
ACC AustraliaDirectors are subject to key duties in carrying out their role. Knowing about those duties and how to effectively discharge them is at the heart of good corporate governance. In this seminar we will consider the key statutory duties of directors and gain an understanding of the consequences of breaching those duties, by looking at how the court has dealt with particular cases in recent years.
Edward Muston SC will also take a look into Directors personal liability in the following areas: taxation and superannuation debts, work health and safety law breaches, and environmental law breaches.
Edward Muston SC
Edward has a broad practice with a focus on commercial disputes, insurance, reinsurance, corporations law, professional ethics and obligations. He has particular expertise in addressing policy construction and other indemnity issues arising in the context of insurance arrangements and significant experience providing advice concerning the professional obligations of directors & officers of corporations and professionals operating within the financial services industry.
Edward is recognised for his ability to provide advice to solicitors and litigants – whatever their background and experience might be – which is practical, concise and readily able to be understood.
In addition, Edward has substantial experience in public law and the prosecution of environmental offences. He appears regularly for governmental agencies in prosecutions and administrative appeals.