Overview (Program Summary)
A program hosted by:
ACC Hong KongThis seminar will explain the latest happenings around the proposal to limit director search disclosures in respect of Hong Kong companies over internal company records and at the Companies Registry.
The approach would be purely from the practical governance perspective in relation to business concerns. The discussions will consider:
- The original proposals back in 2012
- The current modifications and timeframe
- The devil being in the details which are being finalized
You can join the lecture for some historical perspectives, issues and perspectives on this vexed topic.
Deputy Chief Executive of The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (to be renamed The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute)
Date: Tuesday, 3 August 2021
Time: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Location: Webinar links will be sent upon registration
CPD Points: CPD points have been applied for. Please note you need to be logged in for the full duration of the webinar to qualify for CPD points. Unfortunately, points cannot be applied for members who join the webinar via telephone link.