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June 16, 2021 | 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM AEST

Virtual event |


Members: $0
Non-members: $0
Professional Skills

Overview (Program Summary)

A program hosted by:

ACC Australia

Many businesses are heavily reliant upon casual employees, yet the rules relating to casual employment are currently in an unsatisfactory state of uncertainty. An appeal against the Full Federal Court decision in Rossato, which held that an employee engaged and paid as a casual was in fact a permanent employee (and entitled to entitlements associated with such employment including annual leave and paid carers/personal leave), will be heard by the High Court later this year. By some estimates,  if the Rossato decision stands, it could cost business up to $14 billion in backpay. The Federal Government's Omnibus IR Bill (the Fair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia’s Jobs and Economic Recovery) Bill 2020)  also seeks to bring some clarity to this vexed area.

In this seminar, Michael Byrnes will explore the decision in Rossato, its potential implications, and the attempts at a legislative fix. In doing so, the risks and costs to business will be considered, along with practical mitigation strategies.


Michael Byrnes, Partner - Swaab

Michael Byrnes is a workplace relations lawyer with over 20 years' experience in assisting clients navigate all aspects of employment, discrimination and work health and safety issues and runs specially tailored training programs and seminars for clients and undertakes complex and sensitive workplace investigations. Michael has appeared in various matters which include breach of employment contract, statutory underpayment claims, industrial disputes, unfair dismissal hearings, work health and safety plea hearings and coronial inquests.


Michael Byrnes



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Please note: If your company/organisation is deemed to be a competitor of the host organisation for this event, you may be excluded from attending this event. If you believe there may be a conflict or are uncertain, please enquire with ACC Australia.


Credits: 1 point
Category: Professional Skills

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