noa Minneapolis
77 South Seventh Street (IDS Center)
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Free validated parking in the IDS Center Ramp is available.
Overview (Program Summary)
A program hosted by:
ACC MinnesotaVirtual patent marking is a convenient alternative to traditional patent marking as it allows patentees to provide information about the patents that cover a company’s products online. This practice saves time and expense and allows for easy updates when patent information changes. However, virtual marking is a fairly recent development in patent law, and judicial guidance clarifying the specific requirements of virtual patent marking is relatively sparse. As a result, patentees wishing to take advantage of the benefits of virtual patent marking should act prudently when incorporating it into their patent marking schemes.
During this presentation, Fish attorneys Phillip Goter and Jason Zucchi will discuss best practices for virtual patent marking, including:
• Patent marking requirements
• Virtual marking case law, examples, and pitfalls
• Minimizing liability risk for false marking
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM | Check-in and networking
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM | CLE program
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM | Networking, food and beverage
Thanks to our sponsor, Fish & Richardson P.C.!