Newport Beach Vineyards & Winery
2128 Mesa Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Overview (Program Summary)
A program hosted by:
ACC Southern CaliforniaDo you know what you need to know to fulfill your obligation for “competency” under the Professional Rules of Conduct? How often do you get questions at work to which you do not know the answer? How often does your business want answers that are not at the tips of your fingers or within your knowledge as a lawyer? Do you know what to do when the business tries to create confidentiality using just your legal title? Come hear about your obligations of competency under the law, how to handle situations where you don’t “know” what to do, and get practical tips to make your life easier.
Eva Weiler, Shook Hardy & Bacon
Karyn Ihara, Shook Hardy & Bacon
Tom Wynsma, Shook Hardy & Bacon
Contact (RSVP)
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Shook Hardy & Bacon