Overview (Program Summary)
A program hosted by:
ACC NevadaThis program will address ethical issues facing in-house attorneys, who don’t operate trust accounts but have other important compliance concerns. We will focus on communications with opposing parties (Nev. RPC 4.2), licensing issues for in-house counsel (Nev. SCR 49.1(1)(h), business transactions with clients (Nev. RPC 1.8), and the duty of communication and the scope of authority between lawyer and client (Nev. RPC 1.2 and 1.4). We will also discuss some “worst of the worst” disciplinary and malpractice cases from the last year.
Katrin M. Rothgery Conflicts and Ethics Counsel
Drawing on her background as a litigator and specializing in attorney ethics, Kati Rothgery offers in-depth counsel to the firm’s leadership, attorneys, policy professionals and staff in the areas of conflicts of interest and general ethical compliance. As a member of the firm’s Office of the General Counsel, she provides guidance on a wide variety of issues, including client intake, policy development, risk management, subpoenas and discovery directed toward the firm, lateral intake and integration, and separation and retirement matters.