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Available On-Demand - Publication Date: 12/06/2023

Overview (Program Summary)

Finally now that large amounts of email and unstructured data are in M365 organizations are ready to apply automated disposition for expired information. Except many of these initiatives are coming to a grinding halt when it is discovered that this automated disposition may violate custodian-based legal holds. In this advanced webinar Greg Forest from Contoural will discuss how to migrate traditional IT or custodian-based legal hold processes to more compliant and disposition friendly process that leverages M365 retention and disposition controls. He will review how to implement broad early case holds until the Meet and Conference, which can then be narrowed and held until the release. Preserve what you must to be compliant and defensive while still allowing ongoing disposition of non-relevant expired information. Release and dispose when done. Just us for what will be a lively conversation.

Speakers: Greg Forest and Tom Mighell

Interest Area(s): Information Governance