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Available On-Demand - Publication Date: 12/06/2023

Overview (Program Summary)

Corporate litigation from Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs, sometimes called “patent trolls”) continues to increase across all industries, resulting in a major drain on company time and money. As stewards of the company's in-house legal resources, it is becoming increasingly important for corporate counsel to remain vigilant of patent troll activity to protect the organization. This need will continue to grow in importance as the economic environment becomes increasingly uncertain. During this session, we will explore the latest patterns in patent troll activity and effective mitigation strategies.

1695832198632-1634227076833.jpgSam Wiley
VP Thought Leadership and Partnerships
LOT Network

Lauren Krauss

VP Business Development
LOT NEtwork

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Lewis Dolezal

Senior Counsel

Chair - ITPEC Emerging Technologies Subcommittee

Interest Area(s): Intellectual Property