Overview (Program Summary)
A program hosted by:
ACC NevadaThe CLE program is designed to provide in-house practitioners with legal insights and strategies, as well as practical ideas to address trending employment law issues. The program will address a wide array of new and developing employment law priorities for in-house counsel at the state and national level, including lessons to learn from the EEOC’s recent actions and rulemaking relating to the Pregnant Worker’s Fairness Act; the Nevada Supreme Court’s recent decision (Tough Turtle v. Scott) addressing noncompetition agreements; Nevada’s minimum wage hike approaching in July 2024 and its impact on Nevada’s daily overtime requirements; the Department of Labor’s final independent contractor rule taking effect on March 11, 2024; new challenges faced by employers when evaluating the sincerity of a worker’s religious belief for workplace accommodations as revealed in post-Groff v. DeJoy litigation; and the potential effects of the United States Supreme Court’s upcoming decision in Muldrow v. St. Louis concerning proof for allegedly discriminatory transfers.
Daniel Aquino is Co-Chair of McDonald Carano’s Employment & Labor LaPractice and a member of its Commercial & Litigation Practice. Mr. Aquino handles a wide variety of litigated employment law matters, including wage and hour disputes, employment discrimination, wrongful termination, and breach of contract claims proceeding state and federal courts.