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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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October 2, 2024 | 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM CET
Members: There is no fee to attend.
Non-members: There is no fee to attend. Open to In-House counsel
Non-members In-House Counsel: There is no fee to attend.

Overview (Program Summary)

A program hosted by:

ACC Europe

Siamo lieti di invitarti al workshop sulla gestione delle indagini interne, organizzato da ADVANT Nctm in collaborazione con ACC Europe e Mindevelopment.

La sessione professionale, strutturata in tre parti, analizzerà gli aspetti legali riguardanti le indagini interne alla luce delle norme vigenti (in particolare il d.lgs. 24/2023 e la norma uniforme ISO 37008/2023), attraverso una sessione di coaching sulle soft skills necessarie da adottare e un business case su cui svolgere un’esercitazione pratica.

Accompagnati da due coach professioniste, Marcella Accorinti e Marta Grivet Ser, verranno esplorate le principali soft skills utili per gestire un’intervista nell’ambito di una indagine interna. Soffermandosi sulle emozioni dei diversi soggetti coinvolti nel processo, le coach forniranno spunti pratici utili per gestire la relazione e la comunicazione con ciascuno di essi.

Infine, prendendo spunto da esempi concreti, verranno approfondite e messe in pratica alcune delle soft skills necessarie e indispensabili per condurre il colloquio di internal investigation.

Al termine dell’evento si terrà un cocktail di networking.

We are pleased to invite you to the workshop on managing internal investigations, organized by ADVANT Nctm in collaboration with ACC Europe and Mindevelopment.

This professional session, structured into three parts, will examine the legal aspects of internal investigations in light of current regulations (particularly Legislative Decree 24/2023 and ISO 37008/2023), followed by a coaching session on the soft skills required and a practical business case exercise.

Guided by two professional coaches, Marcella Accorinti and Marta Grivet Ser, we will explore the key soft skills necessary for conducting interviews during internal investigations. Focusing on the emotions of the various parties involved in the process, the coaches will provide practical insights for managing relationships and communication with each stakeholder.

Lastly, through real-life examples, we will dive deeper into and apply some of the essential soft skills required to successfully conduct internal investigation interviews.

The event will conclude with a networking cocktail.


 Limited Seats Available

Sponsored By

ADVANT Nctm & Mindevelopment