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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Fuel your MIND

  • The Importance of Mental Health as a Legal Professional: This fantastic article from Vario reminds lawyers of the importance of our mental wellbeing. 
  • Using impostor syndrome to your benefit: If you have trouble constantly doubting yourself, watch this quick TED Talk for some helpful tips.
  • Sleep as first aid for our feelings:  In a TED Talk that’s under 4 minutes, learn about how sleep impacts our emotions.


  • Emotional & Social Health: A member of the IHIH Committee Karina Veling has shared her thoughts on the importance of our emotional & social wellbeing. Read the article here
  • Catching some Z: Vario share some interesting views here on tech, generations and how this impacts the workplace.

Fuel during COVID

  • Why we need to practice physical distancing, not social distancing: COVID-19 has been hard on everyone’s relationships and ability to connect. Check out this great article on the NSW Law Society’s page reminding us it’s not about social distancing. 
  • Remote working in Germany: Vario gives us some great insights in this article which we can all relate to, despite our location.
  • Cooking in isolation: Iso may be the best time to spice things up! Enjoy these delicious cooking tips bought to you by Vario.
  • Maintaining work relationships whilst working from home: Why not give these tips a try?
    • Organise a virtual trivia afternoon with your team – it could just be half an hour, and a quick Google will present plenty of question ideas! Combine it with a coffee or drinks catch-up to force everyone to take a break from the workday. 
    • Set up a morning game session – our favourite is team Pictionary. There are so many apps and websites that offer virtual games. Keep work chat to a minimum and spend 15 minutes having a laugh. This really helps to connect with your teams.
    • Why not run a ‘get to know you’ session, where everyone shares 1 “fun fact” and you guess who is who? Or stick to the classics and run a baby guessing competition… they’re bound to get everyone giggling.
    • Change your weekly WIPs to a walking meeting – force everyone to get outside on their mobile video, even if it’s just for 10 minutes.
    • Make sure you check-in on your colleagues just for the sake of it. Always talking about work matters and then ending the call/video can be draining – remember we’re all humans, and it’s important to maintain our real connections.