10th Annual ACC/Serengeti Managing Outside counsel Survey reveals in-house counsel requiring more process-oriented management techniques to obtain value from firms; overall law department spending remains flat. Hundreds of law departments share their techniques for effectively managing work with outside counsel in the 10th Annual ACC/Serengeti Managing Outside Counsel Survey. The 150+ page report includes practical insights collected from in-house counsel over the past 10 years, including how law departments structure relationships with, manage, compensate, and evaluate outside counsel.
The PDF above provides you with the executive summary and the table of contents. To purchase the survey in its entirety, please click on the link below.<p><a href= http://www.serengetilaw.com/Documents/ACC%20Survey%20-%20ORDER%20FORM.p… here to purchase this survey</a></p>
<p><b>ACC Members Receive a Discount on this Survey</b></p>
<p><b>Please note that you must purchase this survey directly from Serengeti Law by check.</p><p>Any questions should be directed to <a href= mailto:tawni.knapp@thomsonreuters.com>tawni.knapp@thomsonreuters.com</a…;