What is the framework for on-line sales in the United States? What are the requirements for your web site and apps? What about terms of use and privacy policies? How do you market, and what are the concerns? How do you spread the word? How do you stay out of trouble with the Federal Trade Commission and state attorneys general? How can you stay out of Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) trouble? The taxman cometh — who gets paid on what? This session will include a checklist of e-commerce issues, and an introduction into the legal issues related to your company''s website. What basic agreements do you need to have? How do you take payments over the web? Should your website be certified or safe harbor qualified? How do you avoid COPPAing a plea? What do you do about privacy? What are best practices for your site and for your privacy policies? How do you make the Digital Millennium Copyright Act your friend?