The 2012 amendments to the American Bar Association Rules amended the comments to Rule 1.1 to say: "A lawyer should keep abreast of changes in the law and its practice, including the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology." What does the change mean for attorneys in general and specifically in-house counsel? What technology is out there that in-house counsel can use to more efficiently run their departments? This interactive roundtable session will focus not only on the potential ethical implications of technology but on how the legal department can work with the IT manager or chief information officer to cooperatively achieve results in the areas of litigation holds, data security, review of IT-related contracts, document retention, and internal investigations. Faculty will provide guidance on explaining the contract terms and legal risks to your IT department and answer important questions like: What questions do I need to ask my IT department to properly evaluate the risks and contract terms? What happens if the product or service does not perform as expected? The panel will also examine everything from apps that improve efficiency to document management system tools that help with litigation.