By Jennifer K. Mailander, Associate General Counsel and Director, Compliance and Privacy, Corporation Service Company; Scott Plichta, Chief Information Security Officer, Corporation Service Company
Data breaches and cyberattacks aren't just happening to other companies. They are real, constant threats to every company, brand, and bottom line. It's no longer "if," but "when" you'll get breached. With this heightened focus on security, one of the biggest challenges faced by many in-house counsel is understanding what all the technology means and how to ensure your company is taking the proper actions to protect your company.
Why should corporate lawyers care about technology?
According to the FBI, law firms and law departments are amongst the most vulnerable targets for cyberattacks because of the types of information lawyers manage and access1- ”like information about mergers and acquisitions, new product launches, trademarks, patents, and domain names to be filed. According to the comprehensive ACC Foundation: The State of Cybersecurity Report published by the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Foundation, more than half of the in-house counsel surveyed reported that their companies were increasing spending on cybersecurity, while one-third stated that their companies have experienced a data breach.2 The American Bar Association (ABA) Cybersecurity Handbook3 reports that lawyers are targeted because they have limited resources to dedicate to computer security, lack a sophisticated appreciation of technology risks, and lack an instinct for cybersecurity.
It's really worth doing everything possible to protect against cyber threats. The good news is, you can do some simple things that have big impact on your cybersecurity. There may also be an ethical obligation for lawyers to know and care about technology. Most lawyers are familiar with the ABA's Model Rules of Professional Conduct. Model Rule 1.1 defines competent representation, in part, as requiring the legal knowledge and skill reasonably necessary for representation. In 2012, the ABA added comment 8 to this Model Rule, requiring lawyers to keep abreast of changes, "including the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology."
We identified the following top ten technology tips for corporate lawyers. These tips can help you become familiar with technology and cybersecurity so you can provide the guidance needed to help protect your company's business. We've provided general definitions to assist your understanding. The italicized terms throughout the article lead to definitions in the Technology Terms Desk Reference at the end.
1. Understand your company's business and the technology your company uses
First, you need to understand your company's business, and the services or products you provide, so you can fully understand what it is your company does. Closely related to this is an understanding of the technology behind your business and what is done with data that's collected, stored, and shared. For example, does your company have a policy for data classification and storage? What does your policy say about storing data in the cloud? Learn and know the policies for implementing new technology and disposing of old technology. You may even want to become part of the process for buying and maintaining technology, so you can keep tabs on when shadow IT is being bought or used.
2. Know your vendors, and your vendor's vendors
Know the vendors your company is using and what services they provide, including who they contract with, to avoid potential liability. If a vendor stores your data, you need your vendor to be as (or more) secure as your company. Determine what type of data they have from your company, how they manage it, and how secure their data management processes and systems are. Depending on the sensitivity of the data, you may want to require your vendor to agree to compliance training, and require they provide proof of security testing on a regular basis. Connect with your Security Team to put a process in place for vetting new vendors, and consider adopting standardized questionnaires like the Standard Information Gathering (SIG) or SIG Lite assessment.
3. Know your law firm's security practices
Many corporate attorneys forget that law firms are vendors as well. You should know and vet your law firms' security practices just as you do any other vendor to make sure your information is secure. The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) has created a Cybersecurity Work Group in conjunction with the ACC Litigation Committee to help companies identify what questions to ask, and what information to request from firms. In addition, ensure you have a secure mechanism to exchange files. Increasingly, many large law firms either have, or are in the process of attaining security certification, like ISO 27001 by the International Organization for Standardization, or other certifications.
4. Be a partner to the business
Learning about technology and how your company uses it, including who they contract with to provide services, will make you a valuable partner to the business. This knowledge gives you the ability to help the business understand how to identify potential risk, mitigate it, and achieve success. Hold regular "lunch and learns" with Technology, Marketing, Operations, and Sales counterparts to learn how your company works and stay abreast of potential projects on the horizon. Share information with this cross-functional team about how Contracts and Licensing, Technology, Sales, and Operations intertwine. Technologists often don't understand the legal and privacy implications of using third-party vendors with sensitive data. Educating technology partners about how to mitigate vendor risk through contracts can go a long way. Having a reciprocal meeting to learn what technology the company is implementing can help you to be a better partner to the business - those connections can be key to an ongoing partnership with technology.
5. Conduct a data audit
Again with your cross-functional team, identify your data practices. Generally speaking, who has control of your company's data, what is the nature of the data, where is it stored, who has access to the data, how long is it stored, and where does it go when you are done with it? Depending on the size of your company or the resources at your disposal, you may want to start with reviewing the data practices of one department at a time. For your initial audit, it's okay to keep your analysis at a high level to help you begin to understand the processes you use and determine whether or not you need policies to help ensure better data management. With the decreasing cost of storage, there is little financial incentive to delete or remove data from systems. Explaining the legal, compliance, and breach risk to business counterparts can help the business understand the need for retention policies and aid your compliance efforts.
6. Assess your own data protection practices
Assessing your own individual data practices should be an ongoing security measure that you personally undertake. Where do you store your personal and professional data? Is your home computer secure? Are you secure across desktops, laptops, and mobile devices so that if a personal device was ever lost or stolen, it's encrypted and you're sure no confidential data can be extracted? Do you use complex passwords and a two-factor authentication system to protect yourself from phishing attacks? Do you keep paper copies of your bills and dispose of them in a secure manner? Do you access your personal bank account from your cell phone and is it secure? How do you manage all of your passwords?
For any data that you truly want to keep secure, you should implement two-factor authentication and not just rely on username/password. Complex and unique passwords are one of the most important things that you can do to protect your data. Consider a reputable password management system protected by two-factor authentication to store your passwords. While you should not re-use passwords between systems, your email password should be unique and the most secure of all passwords - as email is the gateway for most password reset mechanisms on all other accounts.
7. Conduct employee training on technology, security and privacy
Do it. Ponemon Institute®4, a leading cybersecurity research firm, has reported that a significant number of data breaches are due to corporate employees or contractors - whether intentional, or through careless actions. It's paramount that employees are trained routinely on how to recognize cyberattacks like phishing or spear phishing, and are tested by IT through real-life drills. Phishing attacks work by exploiting a lack of awareness. With the amount of data available on social media, it is possible for cybercriminals to create an authentic-sounding email. We have seen a rise in well-crafted spear phishing attempts. Without appropriate controls, a single click on a malicious link can compromise an entire organization. Responding to this risk goes hand-in-hand with making sure employees know the privacy practices of your company, and regularly educating the workforce on any changes to those policies.
8. Know your company's breach and incident response plan and practice it
Change your corporate mindset around breach, it's not "if" but "when." Know your company's breach/incident response plan. If there is none, consult the cross-functional team to determine if you need one, and create one together. Having the perspective of Legal, Compliance, IT, Marketing, Human Resources, Operations, and Sales will ensure you cover all the bases. Then practice, practice, and practice that plan, assigning roles and responsibilities to everyone on the team. Conduct incident response drills that draw on real-life examples of how your company's data can be breached. Practice this annually so that you can tweak areas as technology and your business change, allowing you to quickly and efficiently respond to any real crisis. It will never be just as you planned it, but practice helps you prepare for the real event.
9. Get comfortable with technology
Getting comfortable with technology is essential, because technology is everywhere and it continues to evolve. Invest in continued education. Meet regularly with your IT department to share knowledge and ask questions. Get involved in professional associations focused on cybersecurity, get clarification on things you don't understand, and read up on the latest technologies - through blogs or otherwise - to be aware of how new technology works, and where the potential risks and benefits lie.
10. Network inside and outside your organization
Network inside and outside your company to stay current on best practices regarding technology. Develop a core team of company contacts to assist you when it comes to technology issues. Join your local bar association and talk about technology with your peers outside of your company. Technology, and the laws and regulations governing it change very quickly, and you need to stay current on this ever-evolving area of the law. With cyberattacks on the rise, understanding technology and how to protect your company is an essential part of your job.
Technology Terms Desk Reference
To assist with your understanding of technology, here are some essential technology terms with basic definitions compiled from many sources5 and edited to make them simple and easy to understand for a non-expert.
Big data: High-volume, high-velocity, and high-variety information that demands cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing for enhanced insight and decision making. These data sets can be so large and complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate. Challenges include analysis, capture, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, and privacy. Much of the value of big data is finding use in large amounts of data that might not be the purpose for which it was collected. Big data projects should be carefully evaluated against your company's stated privacy policy.
Cybersecurity: Measures taken to protect a computer or computer system (as on the Internet) against unauthorized access or attack.
Cloud hosting and computing: A type of Internet-based computing in which different services such as servers, storage, and applications are delivered to an organization's computers and devices through the Internet. Examples of cloud computing include:
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): A service model that delivers computer infrastructure on an outsourced basis to support enterprise operations. Typically, IaaS provides hardware, storage, servers, and data center space or network components, and the customer will run their own software and services.
Platform as a Service (PaaS): A category of cloud computing services that provides a platform allowing customers to develop, run, and manage web applications without the complexity of building and maintaining the infrastructure typically associated with developing and launching an application.
Software as a Service (SaaS): A software distribution model in which applications are hosted by a vendor or service provider and made available to customers over a network, typically the Internet.
Encryption: The conversion of electronic data into another form called ciphertext, so that it cannot be easily understood by anyone except authorized parties with the key to decipher. Types of encrypted data include:
Data in Use: Active data under constant change stored physically in the computer's memory while being changed by a program such as a word processor, or spreadsheet.
Data at Rest: Inactive data physically stored in databases, data warehouses, spreadsheets, archives, tapes, or off-site backups.
Data in Motion: Data that is traversing a network, or temporarily residing in computer memory to be read or updated.
Hosting (website hosting, or web hosting): The business of housing, serving, and maintaining files for one or more websites.
Information security: Protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction to provide:
Integrity: Guarding against improper information modification or destruction; includes ensuring information nonrepudiation and authenticity.
Confidentiality: Preserving authorized restrictions on access and disclosure.
Availability: Ensuring timely and reliable access to and use of information.
Information security program: The program to identify threats, vulnerabilities, and requirements to implement security controls, and monitor.
Internet of Things (IoT): The network of physical objects or "things" embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and a network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data. Common examples include thermostats that you can control remotely, sensors identifying an object's status, integration with cars, etc.
ISO 27001 certification: Information security standards providing best-practice recommendations on information security management, risks, and controls within the context of an overall information security management system. All organizations are encouraged to assess their information security risks, then implement appropriate information security controls according to their needs, using the guidance and suggestions where relevant. Certification can be obtained against these standards by a third-party auditor.
Malware: Software that is usually installed without the user's knowledge that damages, steals, or otherwise compromises the user's computer.
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS): Industry-created and enforced policies and procedures intended to optimize the security of credit card transactions to protect cardholders and the credit card industry against misuse of personal information and financial loss.
Phishing: Broad scattered email fraud in which the user is duped into revealing personal or confidential information for illicit use or for installing malware.
Spear phishing: Phishing that targets a specific organization; messages appear to come from a trusted source such as a CEO. Spear phishing authors can get information quickly through social media to create credible sounding emails.
Secure Sockets Layer certificates (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS): The technology that encrypts nearly all websites, and much of the email communication over the internet, indicated by the familiar https, green address bar, and padlock in the browser address.
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML): A format for exchanging authentication and authorization data between parties, in particular, between an identity provider and a service provider. Often the basis of a Single Sign-On program.
Shadow IT: Where a user/department finds a cloud provider to do work because their IT is too busy, and usually without the knowledge or oversight controls of IT/IT Security/Legal.
Single Sign-On (SSO): A session/user authentication process that permits a user to enter one name and password in order to access multiple applications. May be used interchangeably with the term "federation" or "federated login."
Standard Information Gathering (SIG) assessment: A compilation of questions to determine how information technology and data security risks are managed across a broad spectrum of risk control areas. SIG was created as part of The Shared Assessments Program,
SIG Lite: A shorter version of the SIG assessment.
Two-factor authentication: A technology that requires two forms of "identity" to login—something you have (cell phone, token, etc.) and something you know (username/password). Given the fragility of username/passwords, two-factor authentication should be used to access all critical or confidential information on the internet.
1Legaltech® News:
2ACC Foundation: The State of Cybersecurity Report: Key findings: News announcement:…
3The ABA Cybersecurity Handbook: A Resource for Attorneys, Law Firms and Business Professionals, 2013; Jill D. Rhodes, Vincent I. Polley.
42015 Cost of Data Breach Study: Global Analysis, 2015; Ponemon Institute® Research Study (Benchmark research sponsored by IBM, Independently conducted by Ponemon Institute LLC, May 2015).
5Technology terminology sources include: Wikipedia, Technopedia, International Association of Privacy Professionals (, ABA (, ACC (, The Shared Assessments Program (, ISO (, Merriam-Webster (, and Ponemon Institute (
About the Authors:
Jennifer K. Mailander is an Associate General Counsel and Director, Compliance and Privacy with Corporation Service Company®, based in Wilmington Delaware. Ms. Mailander is a business and privacy attorney advising senior management and executives on strategy, business, legal and technology matters with extensive experience in negotiating commercial contracts, corporate governance, compliance, security and privacy. Ms. Mailander serves as Secretary of the ACC Council of Committees. Ms. Mailander volunteers with the Dumbarton House museum in Washington, DC. Prior to joining CSC, Ms. Mailander was a Senior Legal Consultant with LexisNexis and Corporate Counsel and Assistant Secretary for Siemens' Building Technologies in Chicago. She also worked as a Senior Regulatory Attorney Specialist for Fluor Daniel/FERMCO specializing in environmental law. Ms. Mailander attended the University of Dayton School of Law and Miami University for her undergraduate degree.
Scott Plichta is Chief Information Security Officer at Corporation Service Company. In that role, Scott has global responsibility to protect Corporation Service Company's customers' information assets as well as the company's assets. Previously at Corporation Service Company, Scott oversaw development and operations of software for the company's legal and financial services platforms. He has developed and operated SaaS platforms throughout his career, with a focus on creating software that is reliable, secure, and highly scalable. In prior roles, he served as co-CIO and Vice President of Information Services at Bentley Systems and as Vice President of Infrastructure Software at FirstUSA (now JPMorgan Chase). He began his career at General Electric. Scott holds a master's of computer and information science from the University of Pennsylvania and a bachelor's in computer science from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.