Elizabeth Wall, President, Elizabeth Wall Partners International LLC
1. Be proactive - don't wait for the axe to fall
- Ascertain the facts -timing, likely severance package details, etc. as early as possible
- Discuss potential options with your employer - part-time, fixed term/fixed price contract work, a temporary cut in pay etc
- Consult your CPA or personal attorney before negotiating a severance deal: consider paid-for outsourcing support, certain severance benefits to be commuted into cash or "purchase" of extra/extended benefits from cash payment
- Arrange testimonials and job references from bosses before leaving the company
2. Faced with job loss? Don't panic, a cool head is needed to make the best of the situation
- Job loss is a shock to the system, make allowances
- Claim your unemployment entitlements - you paid for them!
- Forget embarrassment - you're a member of big club with some impressive members
- Be honest about losing your job with yourself, family and friend; get their support
- Take professional advice on sorting out your affairs
3. Clear the decks for your new job search
- List postponed projects/commitments, movies/shows missed, books unread; make a pragmatic schedule to catch up
- Refresh all contacts - ˜reintroduce' yourself to people you have neglected
4. Job-hunting may be the hardest job you ever do!
- Develop a detailed plan of action as you would a complex work project
- Find a coach, or better still, a mentor or two
- Project a positive demeanor and smart image, firm-up your handshake and smile a lot!
- Network your socks off
- Explore all avenues and alternatives, think laterally about new opportunities, don't wallow in negativity, remain determinedly positive but realistic
5. Be kind to yourself:
- Socialize with positive people Award yourself treats when your spirits flag
- Whatever your "vices" remember - moderation in all things, even chocolate!
- When you feel fed up, roll up your sleeves and tackle those tasks which never seem to get done - clear the yard, declutter the closets, donate those "treasures" in the loft and bask in the satisfaction of a job well done with a favorite movie or a good book
6. Pep up your body and soul maintenance
7. Take a sabbatical, finances permitting, for travel, voluntary service or taking a course in cookery, a foreign language, yoga etc
8. Reach out to other similarly placed individuals; compare notes, share tips and reciprocate with referrals
9. Thank and acknowledge everyone who helps you, by return, preferably with a handwritten note
10. Watch out for our "10 Top Tips for Maximizing the Value of your Time in Transition" in the ACC Docket!