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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Resource Listings

Sample Forms, Policies, and Contracts

Assignment and Novation Agreement

This is a sample assignment and novation agreement where the Assignor assigns its rights and obligations under insurance policies to the insured companies, which are the assignees. The sample includes a choice of the laws of the Cayman Islands.


Navigating Multistate Practice for In-House Counsel

By Association of Corporate Counsel

In-house counsel in the U.S. are moving from state to state now more than ever. If you are going to work as in-house counsel in a state where you are not licensed, what do you need to consider?


Ten Things Every Insurer Should Know (CMS)


In this multi-country guide, learn about key laws regarding insurance and insurers in a wide range of jurisdictions. This resource was originally published on the website of CMS on January 31, 2023, and last updated May 19, 2023.


Considerations for a Possible Debt Ceiling Standoff

By Jonathan Adler, Jennifer L. Chu, Erin Cleary, Eric T. Juergens, Matthew E. Kaplan, Jeffrey J. Rosen, Scott B. Selinger, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP

Learn about key implications of the Spring 2023 situation that saw the United States reach its national debt ceiling.


A Unanimous Supreme Court Rules of Undue Hardship in Religious Accommodation: De Minimis Is Out, "Substantial Increased Costs" Is In

By Dawn Solowey, Lynn Kappelman, and Darien Harris (Seyfarth Shaw LLP)

This article discusses the unanimous US Supreme Court decision that has effectively disavowed the long-standing de minimis standard in Groff v. Dejoy, clarifying Title VII's undue hardship standard to mean "substantial increased costs in relation to the conduct of its particular business."


Insurance Group - InsurTech Expert Guide


CMS Insurance Group’s InsurTech Expert Guide intends to sheds light on the outstanding opportunities that stem from the current rules on insurance distribution and digitalization technologies. The publication has also been designed to help traditional insurance and InsurTech companies prepare for future regulations.

Big Data, artificial intelligence, blockchain solutions, along with the innovative use of web platforms and mobile technology have brought distinct advantages to the insurance sector. However, to fully take advantage of these advances in technology market participants must adapt to the shifting regulatory environment.