What to Do When the SEC Enforcement Division Comes Calling
908 What to Do When the SEC Enforcement Division Comes Calling
908 What to Do When the SEC Enforcement Division Comes Calling
804 How to Respond to a Government Investigation/Inquiry: The First 30 Days. This discussion covers important topics such as protecting applicable privileges, dealing with letters of investigation, and more.
709 Lobbying & Political Activity Do's & Don'ts. Learn about why 501(c)(3)s must report lobbying activities, how 501(c)(3)s can measure lobbying activity, and more.
Before even beginning to discuss employment with a government employee, contractors should understand the statutory and regulatory restrictions, as well as the significant penalties that may result from violating those restrictions. Read this list of helpful pointers to learn more.
Example of how to fill in the associated P-1 forms for the golfer. This resource is to be viewed together with the <a href="http://www.acc.com/legalresources/resource.cfm?show=1354390">"Sample P-1 Support Letter – Golf"</a>.
A self audit checklist for companies to determine if they are subject to the federal government's affirmative action regulations for federal contractors.
This corporate policy regarding responding to government investigations and inquiries discusses appointments of designated corporate counsel and includes a variety of internal procedures.
This document is a sample professional services agreement.
A sample registration statement from the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Alabama.
With the US Department of Justice (DOJ) collecting record corporate fines this year, your board asks if your company’s compliance is up to par. How do you respond? How do you gauge your program? This session will analyze the DOJ’s Federal Sentencing Guidelines for the Prosecution of Business Organizations, set out your minimum requirements, and lay out best practices that you can implement. This will cover leadership, risk assessments, policy development, communications, training, establishment of controls, and monitoring and testing of controls. Presenters will offer firsthand experiences (both positive and negative) and best practices for building and maintaining your compliance program.