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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Calling the Cops: Decide Before You Dial

By Meric Craig Bloch

This article involves moving beyond the initial step of any law enforcement agency taking your company's report of criminal activity if it falls within their jurisdiction, leading to a criminal investigation and eventual prosecution.


Antitrust Investigations 501: Successfully Managing Your Relationship With Agency Staff And Increasing Your Chances For Approval

By Elise Kirban - Vice-President & Deputy General Counsel,International Paper<br />Joseph Krauss - Partner, Hogan & Hartson <br />Janet McDavid - Partner, Hogan & Hartson

Your company has announced a merger. Most counsel will immediately start to assemble their factual and economic evidence and develop their best arguments to present to the agencies. Yet, equally important is developing a strong working relationship with agency staff. Here are some practical tips on how you can better communicate with agency staff in order to increase the chances that your company's deal will ultimately be approved.


SEC Enforcement Investigation: What You Need To Know

By Gregory H. Mathews, Kenneth B. Winer, Samuel J. Winer, Gregory R. Bruch

If you are employed by a public company, it's likely that your company will undergo an SEC enforcement investigation within the next five years. This article shows in-house counsel how to help guide their company through an SEC enforcement action.


The Rules of the Road for Hazardous Material Compliance

By Lee Braem

The business of transporting hazardous materials is extremely regulated in the United States, as well as internationally. Familiarity with the regulations set by the Department of Transportation (DOT) concerning this activity is of great concern to Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) and compliance attorneys; however, all attorneys, especially those in-house, should have some basic knowledge of the DOT regulatory structure. Here, the author provides a summary of DOT and hazmat rules, the scope of materials covered and key issues for the compliance and enforcement of these rules.


When the SEC Comes Calling: Tips for Dealing with an Enforcement Investigation

By Victor A. Warnement -- Assistant General Counsel, Bank of America Corporation; Michael J. Missal -- Partner, Kirkpatrick & Lockhart LLP; Leigh P. Freund -- Associate, Kirkpatrick & Lockhart LLP

Have you ever wondered what you’d need to do first if the SEC began investigating your company? One of the coauthors of this article worked for the SEC and has developed a checklist for you, along with a thorough discussion of the various paths you could take and the pros and cons for each of them. Keep this article handy. It could help you get your heart to start beating again in those first few critical moments when you hear of an impending enforcement investigation.


The German Federal Cartel Office Releases New and Much More Stringent Fining Guidelines

By Allen & Overy

On 25 June 2013, the German Federal Cartel Office released new fining Guidelines for competition law infringements. The new fining Guidelines implement the German Federal Court of Justice’s recent decision, in which it overturned the current interpretation of Section 81(4), subsection 2 of the German Act Against Restraints of Competition (GWB) as the applicable 10% “cap” on the total amount of fines linked to consolidated worldwide turnover. The Court reinterpreted the 10% turnover threshold, instead, as the maximum level of a “range” within which fines could be set.