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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Resource Listings


Doing Business in Canada

By Stikeman Elliot

This primer is designed to give those interested in pursuing Canadian business opportunities an overview of Canadian law as it relates to business and investment.


Industrial Projects: Three Milestones on the Road to Bankability, Part Two: A Bankable EPC

By David Tournier, General Manager & Corporate Secretary, IFFCO Canada Enterprise

In the first part of this QuickCounsel, we examined how the feedstock of industrial projects should be procured so as to enhance bankability. In this second part, we now look for bankability in the negotiation of the contract for the project's Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC).


Top Ten Steps to Move From New Law to Policy to Business Practice

By Jo Anne Schwendinger, Regional General Counsel Asia-Pacific and Sub-Saharan Africa, John Deere In collaboration with Lynn Arthur, Compliance Division Manager, John Deere

This TopTen suggests a ten-step process for in-house lawyers to follow in making the transition from awareness that a new law has been adopted, or an existing one changed, to adopting sustainably compliant business practices.


New Hungarian Civil Code – Top Ten Survival Tips

By ÁDÁM ILLÉS, Partner and Director for Hungary, Peterka & Partners

After more than fifty years, Civil Law in Hungary will be completely rewritten by the New Civil Code that will come into effect this year on the 15th of March. Several areas of law that have formerly been regulated in separate acts will now be incorporated into the new Code. These areas of law include family law, company law, as well as the law regarding civic organizations. Critics say that the new law sacrifices too much for dogmatic integrity and disassembles the unity of corporate law by extending current provisions for companies to all legal entities which will result, in many cases, in incomplete, inconsequent or redundant regulation. On the other hand, the concept of the new law is to provide more freedom to contracting parties. The present article seeks to summarize the ten most important matters that will have the largest influence on businesses.


Doing Business in Panama

By Marcela Virzi Martinelli, Esq.

Panama is a premier location. Whether traveling on commercial flights or by cruise ship, it is easily accessible to visitors from all over the world. A tax system that supports business start-ups and ship registrations makes the country especially attractive to foreign businesses.


The Work Cooperative Social Security Contribution

By Rodrigo Ramos de Arruda Campos, Partner of Social Security department at Demarest Advogados

Upon the enactment of Brazilian Law 9876/99, of November 26, 1999, a part of the system of social contribution payable by companies was modified, and one of the contributions payable by companies was fixed at 15% of the invoice for services rendered by work cooperatives. However, it seems that the requirement for the engaging companies to pay a 15% contribution on the invoices for services from work cooperatives is totally unconstitutional. This article explains the unconstitutionality of this law and discusses the impact of recent court decisions pertaining to this issue.