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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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361 Results

Resource Listings


Doing Business in Nicargua

By Alvarado y Asociados

This material provides an overview of the various factors that a foreign investor should consider when establishing a business in Nicaragua.

Program Materials

What to Do When the SEC Enforcement Division Comes Calling

By Timothy E. Flanigan - Vice President and General Counsel, Corporate & International Law, Tyco International (US) Inc.; Scott W. Friestad - Assistant Director, Division of Enforcement, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; George J. Terwilliger III - Partner, White & Case LLP; Michael C. Wyatt - Executive Counsel, Anthem, Inc.

908 What to Do When the SEC Enforcement Division Comes Calling

Program Materials

How to Respond to a Government Investigation/Inquiry: The First 30 Days

By Stuart A. Alderoty - Chief Litigation Counsel, American Express; Anthony Boone - Associate General Counsel, Retail Operations, Full Line Stores, Sears, Roebuck and Co.; Thomas A. Hanusik - Senior Counsel for Securities Fraud - U.S. Department of Justice, Criminal Division and Fraud Section; Thomas F. O'Neil III - Chair, Government Affairs Practice Group, Piper Rudnick LLP.

804 How to Respond to a Government Investigation/Inquiry: The First 30 Days. This discussion covers important topics such as protecting applicable privileges, dealing with letters of investigation, and more.

Program Materials

Lobbying & Political Activity Do’s & Don’ts

By ACC; Kimberly Houghton Berry - Assistant General Counsel, National Wildlife Federation; Laurence E. Gold - Associate General Counsel, AFL-CIO; Gigi Hyland - Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Empire Corporate Federal Credit Union; Cynthia M. Lewin - Vice President & General Counsel, Volunteers of America, Inc.

709 Lobbying & Political Activity Do's & Don'ts. Learn about why 501(c)(3)s must report lobbying activities, how 501(c)(3)s can measure lobbying activity, and more.

Sample Forms, Policies, and Contracts

Sample P-1 Forms for Golfer

By Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.

Example of how to fill in the associated P-1 forms for the golfer. This resource is to be viewed together with the <a href="">"Sample P-1 Support Letter – Golf"</a>.