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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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361 Results

Resource Listings


10 Tips to Avoid Being Victimized by Fraud or Corruption

By Max Laun, Jeffrey M. Klink

Corporate counsel in every industry are facing new and more frequent challenges in dealing with fraud and corruption. As companies grow and expand, gaining knowledge about how to identify and confront these issues is vital to counsel. The key to detecting and preventing fraud and corruption is vigorous employment screening protocols.


The European Numbers Game: Comply with the EU’s Biggest- Ever Financial Reporting Changes by 2005

By David Littleford

By the end of 2005, all listed EU companies will be required to prepare their consolidated financial statements in accordance with new international standards, rather than their national accounting standards. It's a big change that will challenge most EU companies, since the vast majority follow national standards. Find out how much U.S. companies are affected, what the changes are, and what pitfalls lie along the way.


A Primer on China Mergers and Acquisitions Issues

By H. Timothy Lopez

Completing a successful Chinese M&A transaction can be trickier than new math. There are tons of legal hurdles to clear: government approval, anti-trust clearance, transferring real estate, trademarks and patents and repatriating profit, to name a few. Trying to tackle the transaction without a game plan is a sure set-up for defeat - but this article outlines an experienced attorney's firsthand knowledge to make the process less cumbersome.


In-house Counsel Beware: The False Claims Act Might Impact Your Business

By Charles R. Ching - Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Hawaii Pacific Health; Harry R. Silver - Partner, Laura Laemmle-Weidenfeld - Partner, Patton Boggs LLP

Armed with recent amendments to the statute that initially targeted contractors, the government has also recouped millions of dollars using the False Claims Act to battle healthcare fraud. But just what does that have to do with your company and its employees?