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Year in Review 2013 and Year to Come 2014 – French Law

By Linklaters

In 2013 the following occurred: New legislation was passed to lighten administrative constraints on the development of wind farms; new rules on loans extended to local authorities have been adopted to limit future exposure of the local public sector; and the French constitutional court ruled that the French legislative cannot adversely affect legitimate expectations without sufficient general interest grounds.


Amendments to PRC Company Law

By Squire Sanders

The Company Law of the People’s Republic of China currently in force adopts a company registration system under supervision. Specific rules within the legislation cover a registered capital system requiring a minimum amount of registered capital, a certain capital contribution period and a minimum ratio of cash contribution.
This article reviews the recent amendments to the law. This reform relaxed the governmental supervision required and will see significant innovations in the company registration system, especially in the registered capital aspect.


The Smart Bets for SFC Enforcement Trends in the Year of the Horse

By Ashurst

While the SFC's consultation conclusions may soften the proposed requirement or adapt to industry comments, it is unlikely to be "scratched" from the field in its entirety. Potential change on this front, and the need to incorporate some form of suitability criteria into client agreements is therefore likely to be a starter in the Year of the Horse.


Interest Rate Derivatives Cartel: Commission Imposes the Highest Fines (thus far)

By Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados, Lex Mundi member firm for Portugal

Recently, the European Commission adopted decisions against the cartels in Euro and Yen interest rate derivatives, imposing fines to banks and financial institutions. These fines are the highest imposed by the Commission in cartel cases to the present day. These decisions illustrate the intense and added scrutiny to which the financial sector has been subjected by competition authorities in the EU and elsewhere.


More Prisa, Less Pausa

By Yosbel A. Ibarra

Cubans say the changes to their country’s socialist economic model will happen sin prisa, pero sin pausa – without hurry, but without pausing. That may be a good – or perhaps necessary – political strategy.