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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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358 Results

Resource Listings

Program Materials

Protecting Privilege When the Government is at the Door

By André Birotte
Kevin E. Mann
William Sailer
Evan Schultz

Some agency regulators or enforcement authorities will request your client’s privileged communications. This session will explore the circumstances under which your business runs the risk of that exposure and how your company can respond. The panel will discuss how regulators and enforcement authorities now approach privileged communications; what the approaches imply for how in-house counsel should communicate with their clients; and from the perspective of an enforcement authority, what options in-house counsel have in responding to requests for privileged information.

Program Materials

ACC Chair's Choice: A View from the Frontlines

Hear the latest news and views from current and former ACC leaders about life in the legal industry from the corporate and government perspective. First off, learn firsthand what it’s like to move from being the general counsel of a large corporation to general counsel of one of the largest US government agencies, the Department of Homeland Security. What leadership lessons are transferable from the private sector to the public sector, and how does one successfully navigate the maze "inside the Beltway"? What are the daily challenges, trials and tribulations involved in overseeing over 1,700 attorneys? Next up, participate in an interactive town hall discussion on current events affecting your work today. Key discussion points will touch on cyber-security, disaster preparedness and crisis management, immigration reform, and financial reform. What’s the hot topic of the moment? Who knows, anything could happen.


Government Investigations: Rights of Witnesses and Checklist

By Claire Rauscher

This concise checklist contains the rights of witnesses in white-collar investigations. General Counsel and corporate executives based in the United States can review this resource to learn their rights on a chance that they may be called by law enforcement or regulatory investigators.

Sample Forms, Policies, and Contracts

Suggested Templates (from GCO)

Sample templates for a letter authorizing investigation from the general counsel's office to the senior business person whose business is impacted by the investigation and a letter from the general counsel office to person(s) assisting in an investigation.


Top Ten Considerations for Boards of Directors in 2014

By Pamela Park, Senior Attorney Editor, Business Law Editorial for Practitioner Insight on WestlawNext

This Top Ten examines ten key issues that should be at the top of directors' minds as we enter 2014 and the upcoming proxy season.


Regulatory Takings (US)

By John Lain, Partner, McGuireWoods LLP

This Quick Counsel discusses the concept behind regulatory takings related to permit conditions, summarizes two key prior cases on regulatory takings and permit conditions, and discusses how they were expanded by the recent Koontz v. St. Johns River Water Management District.