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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Resource Listings


Open Source Software (OSS) - What Every Attorney Needs To Know (United States)

By Marco Gatti

Companies who distribute products including open source software (OSS) must comply with the terms of the license agreement(s) corresponding to that open source. This Quick Overview explains what open source software is, what obligations and potential risks arise from the use of OSS, and how OSS risk can be managed.


Top Ten: Navigating an Inter Partes Review by an Activist Investor

By Michael Mueller, Associate General Counsel, Conatus Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Leslie Grab, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP

This Top Ten addresses how activist investors have been utilizing the new inter partes review (IPR) process from the American Invents Act (AIA) to put pressure on stock prices of public companies that heavily rely on patent protection.


The Brazilian Protection of Industrial Property: Invention and Utility Model

By Catharine Black Lipp João, law student at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul and intern at Carvalho, Machado, Timm Advogados (CMT) and Rafael Louzada Nardin, law student at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul and intern at Cabanellos Schuh Advogados Associados

This Quick Overview seeks to clarify industrial property (a type of intellectual property) protection in Brazil , specifically the case of item I of Article 2 of Federal Statute 9279/96, related to the grant of patents of invention and utility models.


Patent Invention Assignment Agreement (United States)

This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) addresses the adoption of a patent invention assignment agreement to protect a company's intellectual property, under US law. This resource was compiled from questions and responses posted on the forum of the Intellectual Property and Small Law Departments ACC Networks.*

Sample Forms, Policies, and Contracts

Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement (UK)

By Fieldfisher

This template Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement is drafted under English law. It covers an arms-length assignment of intellectual property rights existing as at the date of the assignment and is drafted in favour of the assignee. The template is drafted under English law and is necessarily generic. It should therefore be adapted to meet applicable local law requirements where necessary, as well as the particular intellectual property rights that are being assigned.

Sample Forms, Policies, and Contracts

Reviewing Software Licences – A Checklist for Licensees (Europe)

By Fieldfisher

This checklist is for use by licensees when reviewing a licensor's terms for the licence of commercially available packaged software. The checklist covers key issues that frequently arise in these types of licensing arrangements. However, it is not intended to be an exhaustive list and licensees should be careful to review all licence terms carefully. Agreements in respect of software that is to be developed or heavily configured specifically for the licensee are outside the scope of this checklist. In those circumstances, the contract is likely to (and should) contain additional detailed provisions relating to the ownership of intellectual property rights in the new software, acceptance, conformity with specification, delivery of bespoke elements and warranties. The checklist is written from a European perspective. For non-European software licences, users should ensure that they take into account relevant local law issues.