Services Agreement Between State Corporation and Services Provider
This is a sample services agreement between a state corporation and a services provider.
This is a sample services agreement between a state corporation and a services provider.
This is a sample services agreement regarding outplacement services.
This is a sample services agreement between a company and consultant.
This is a sample written information security policy to create effective administrative, technical and physical safeguards for the protection of personal information.
This is a sample master license agreement between a vendor and customer.
This is a sample master services agreement between a limited liability company and a contractor.
This session focuses on how to structure the transaction, what to watch out for when conducting IP due diligence and which contractual protections are advisable to ensure that such risks are mitigated.
General counsel and their teams work on improving corporate governance to reduce risk and costs, improving practices for communication with directors and management to facilitate parent and subsidiary board meetings and making securities compliance easier and more reliable. There are lots of new—and changing—tools and techniques, such as vetting vendors for board voting tools, securities compliance, cloud-based hosted systems, improving staffing and technology for minute-taking, and updating policies for insider trading, data protection, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and fiduciary duties. Keeping abreast of best practices, vendor-provided trainings, peer group policies and hosted solutions allows a legal department to lower costs, mitigate risks and drive value for the business. This session will address topics of interest to private and public companies, with a focus on issues common to both.
People, companies and even governments generate an enormous amount of data about themselves every day. From ordering a latte without foam to negotiating a major contract, there is a growing perceived need to collect and mine the resulting data for useful insights about markets, customers, competitors or competitive threats. How can we do this? What legal issues surround the collection of this data? What issues surround the use of the data? If your company is using big data, what should it be concerned about? How does it stay out of trouble and out of the headlines?
This presentation will examine the risks/rewards of using open-source software (OSS) for productivity purposes within a corporation versus incorporating OSS into a product or solution that is presented and sold to the public; and recent trends in indemnifications, warranties and other considerations for OSS that is embedded within the software and/or application.