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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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111 Results

Resource Listings

Program Materials

Protecting Your Client's IP 2015

By Gretchen Klebasko, Marc Lorelli, Stanton Weinstein

Discuss what key IP rights and risks you should be mindful of; Learn to take the necessary steps to protect valuable corporate assets on a national and global scale, and how not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others; Learn to spot and respond to common issues in advertising, trademarks, licensing and other areas so that you leave empowered to respond accordingly; and Discuss the ins and outs of nondisclosure agreements and receive a few samples to take back to the office.

Program Materials

Intellectual Property Considerations in Indemnification and Liability Limitation Clauses

By John Bates, William Becker, Scott Forsyth, Steven Gardner

This panel will analyze the interplay among warranties, liability caps and disclaimers, indemnity obligations and exceptions to each in complex contracts involving goods, services and licensed intellectual property (original equipment manufacturer, value-added reseller, design/development). They will focus on creative approaches to negotiate and draft appropriate risk allocation and manage exposure to intraparty and third-party claims. Materials will include sample clauses and checklists.

Program Materials

Open-source Licensing: Myth Versus Reality II

By Richard Fontana, Scott Peterson, McCoy Smith, Robert Tiller

This session represents a continued discussion from the 2014 ACC Annual Meeting of the risks and rewards of using open-source software (OSS) for internal applications and in products licensed to end users. The session will focus on OSS licensing and compliance management programs, policies and practices. A successful OSS policy ensures compliance with OSS license terms and protects your company’s IP assets while enabling development teams to get the job done. Discussion will include establishing and maintaining a successful OSS compliance process and review of sample policies and practices.

Program Materials

Circling the Wagons: How Small Law Departments Can Protect & Maximize Corporate IP Assets

By Mark K. Beesly - general counsel, Back to Basics Products, Inc.; Jordan A. LaVine - counsel, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP; Joan M. Lebow - general counsel and corporate secretary, ibex Healthdata Systems, Inc.; Thomas R. Wilcox - vice president, legal and human resources, Strategic Management Group, Inc.

Various types of intellectual property and how you can maximize its protection and enforceability.

Program Materials

Best Practices for Corporate Governance and Subsidiary Management

By Lucille D'Souza, Gayle Hyman, Jennifer Mailander

General counsel and their teams work on improving corporate governance to reduce risk and costs, improving practices for communication with directors and management to facilitate parent and subsidiary board meetings and making securities compliance easier and more reliable. There are lots of new—and changing—tools and techniques, such as vetting vendors for board voting tools, securities compliance, cloud-based hosted systems, improving staffing and technology for minute-taking, and updating policies for insider trading, data protection, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and fiduciary duties. Keeping abreast of best practices, vendor-provided trainings, peer group policies and hosted solutions allows a legal department to lower costs, mitigate risks and drive value for the business. This session will address topics of interest to private and public companies, with a focus on issues common to both.

Program Materials

Getting to Know You, Getting to Know All About You: Big Data—Friend or Foe?

By Kerry Childe, Harold Federow, Jennifer Schlosstein, Alan Sutin

People, companies and even governments generate an enormous amount of data about themselves every day. From ordering a latte without foam to negotiating a major contract, there is a growing perceived need to collect and mine the resulting data for useful insights about markets, customers, competitors or competitive threats. How can we do this? What legal issues surround the collection of this data? What issues surround the use of the data? If your company is using big data, what should it be concerned about? How does it stay out of trouble and out of the headlines?

Program Materials

OpenSource: Myth Versus Reality

By John Bates, Theodore McCullough, Karna Nisewaner, Michael Pavento

This presentation will examine the risks/rewards of using open-source software (OSS) for productivity purposes within a corporation versus incorporating OSS into a product or solution that is presented and sold to the public; and recent trends in indemnifications, warranties and other considerations for OSS that is embedded within the software and/or application.