Lease Agreement Addenda and Exhibits
This is a sample lease agreement's addenda and exhibits.
This is a sample lease agreement's addenda and exhibits.
ACC homepage poll results for the week of 6/6/2011 - 6/12/2011.
This InfoPAK examines the concept of organizational effectiveness and how corporate counsel can use its principles to effectively develop an international, “world-class” legal department. The InfoPAK focuses primarily on “soft” organizational development issues, including those relating to development of a shared vision and organizational culture for the legal department, and development of the people who make up the department. The InfoPAK begins with a discussion of the important foundational step of aligning the legal department’s priorities with the organization’s business strategy and developing a corresponding shared vision for the department. Discussions of successful management of client relationships and internal departmental issues including leadership issues and team management follow. Because change is the one constant in today’s legal department, the InfoPAK also discusses change management and creating a “one team” culture. Finally, it discusses metrics and measurement tools for managing organizational development.
ACC homepage poll results for the week of 9/19/2011 - 9/25/2011.
The ACC Guide to Value-Based Fees provides a step-by-step approach to help those new to the process get started and to help those who are veterans of the process consider whether there may be opportunities to improve what they already do. The checklists, flow-charts and tables are designed to help in assessing a particular matter to determine which value-based fee constructs would fit best, as well how to best implement and carry out those terms.
This InfoPAK will discuss why a strategic plan is needed and how to develop one.
This "How-To" summarizes some steps that in‐house and external counsel can take in setting the tone to establish sustainable relationships.
In an effort to bridge the gap between traditional law firm structures and the needs of the newest generation of attorneys, MCCA recently conducted a survey of young attorneys. Here, the results of the survey, including thoughts and insights about the practice of law as seen by this generation of lawyers.
This survey is intended to be a reference guide of technology solutions currently being used by ACC Legal Operations members to support their legal function. The survey covered 22 different solution areas.
This guide gives an overview of environmental regulation in British Columbia, including enforcement structures, climate change laws, and liability for corporate directors and officers.