Credibility Considerations in Video Interviews – A Checklist for Interviewers
A checklist for interviewers about credibility considerations for video interviews.
A checklist for interviewers about credibility considerations for video interviews.
While there are plenty of providers ready, willing, and able to solve your problems, not every system is a good fit for each department. This article includes the top ten points you should understand before selecting and implementing a new CLM.
This checklist provides some guidance if you find an employees social media posts become an issue.
The advent of the pandemic forced companies to adopt to a digital work world in a short amount of time. Companies had to implement business solutions and train their employees and customers on new software. While the pandemic has impacted how work is done for almost two years, the digital changes to business are here to stay. Further digitalization is on the horizon for most businesses if they want to remain competitive.
The number of legal ops roles was exploding. More positions were being given more responsibility and being empowered to run departments and make impactful change. Legal ops leaders were being asked to do this without tools. The ACC Legal Ops group set out to create the first of its kind maturity model, toolkit and Legal Ops 101 (the bootcamp) to really jumpstart the industry.
In a recent article in Harvard Business Review, a team of researchers showed that 78% of transformations fail. Their analysis showed that “people are the catalysts of successful transformation.” Check out this article to find out how to move beyond working in silos, incremental improvement, and isolated innovation to achieve transformation and why it’s important to have a structured process to engage leadership in setting objectives and guiding transformational change.
Jeff Isaacs has given much thought to the evolution of legal services over his 30-plus year career in the industry, both in legal operations and as an attorney acting as both outside and in-house counsel. I recently had the opportunity to catch up with him on his career and his decision to join KPMG LLP as Director, Global Legal Managed Services. Click here to read more.
This is a sample employee handbook.
Learn what key trends and issues Chief Legal Officers have identified as top of mind.
A company’s culture can cause problems if employees perceive the company as not being concerned about their needs. Corporate culture must be examined to see if it reflects the company’s values and helps employees succeed at their jobs.