Contract Negotiation Checklist: Practical Tips for In-house Counsel
Check out a list of practical negotiation tips for in-house counsel.
Check out a list of practical negotiation tips for in-house counsel.
Check out a practical checklist with tips to for in-house counsel to better understand and align with their company's risk tolerance.
Lawyers working in law firms and in corporate law departments reported several personal challenges to developing their careers during the pandemic. One year after the start of the pandemic, the biggest barrier to career progression for lawyers continued to be limited to no in-person contact. Read this important article to learn more about the professional impact of the pandemic.
Do you know how crucial business skills are to your career as in-house counsel? Consider the key issues below in planning your career. The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC), prepared this checklist utilizing information presented in the webcast titled “The Necessity of Business Skills for Advancing In-Housel Legal Professionals” (October 6, 2021). The webcast, presented by King’s Business School in partnership with ACC, highlights how the skills and language of business can elevate your skillset and position you for future success.
Today, an organization needs far more than legal advice from its legal function. In this article, learn what business leaders really want and need from their General Counsel/Chief Legal Officers and their teams.
Legal Operations is a multi-disciplinary field, requiring aptitude in finance, technology, vendor management, workforce strategy, data analysis, communications, and so much more. Professionals can develop substantive acumen in any of these areas sufficient to allow them to determine “what” the focus of the corporate legal department. However, the culture of the “how” we execute is rarely discussed with the same type of rigor and it requires just as much planning and care to deliver the desired business outcomes.
This checklist is intended to be a useful informative tool to help the buyer company identify potential issues and liabilities associated with the target company’s benefit plans so that those issues and liabilities can be effectively managed, minimized or eliminated. However, each acquisition is unique and will require an individualized assessment. This checklist is a starting point and guide in conducting such an assessment.
This is a sample audit document collection checklist that covers: Qualified Retirement Plans, Specific Plan Documents, Defined Benefit Plans, Union Plans, Group Health, Dental, and Vision Plans, Other Welfare Arrangements, etc.
Sample Retention Incentive Agreement Contract
Suzanne Hawkins has seen legal operations from every angle, as a practicing attorney, legal operations head, consultant, and law firm leader. An Trotter, Senior Director of Operations, Office of the General Counsel, Hearst, had the good fortune to speak with Suzanne about her career and get her insights on the emergence and evolution of legal operations. Click here to read the full article.