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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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The Halftime of Your Career

By Rich Cohen, Former President and General Counsel of Corporate Creations (recently retired)

ACC author and member Rich Cohen discusses how in-house counsel can refocus their energy and efforts at the midpoint of their careers, to provide the best opportunity for a successful finish. In this Top Ten, Rich discusses how every career needs a periodic re-evaluation of things to do to ensure success, but the definition of success can change mid-career. Doing the same things in the same way will not get you any different result. It is never too late to change your career trajectory.


ACC Guide to Value-Based Fees

The ACC Guide to Value-Based Fees provides a step-by-step approach to help those new to the process get started and to help those who are veterans of the process consider whether there may be opportunities to improve what they already do. The checklists, flow-charts and tables are designed to help in assessing a particular matter to determine which value-based fee constructs would fit best, as well how to best implement and carry out those terms.


Procurement Contracts and Vendor Management from an In-house Counsel Perspective

By Alexander D. Gonzalez, Esq.

In-house counsel often have to juggle contract review, fast turnarounds, and risk management in their day-to-day activities. In this Quick Overview, member author Alex D. Gonzalez Esq. discusses how a busy in-house counsel can deal with an urgent contract review request and maintain company efficiency.


In-house Practice: Lessons and Tips from ACC Australia Members’ Legal Journey

By the Association of Corporate Counsel

There has been significant growth in the number of in-house lawyers in Australia over the past decade, with the in-house profession now representing the fastest growing segment of the Australian legal sector. The ACC Australia Graduate Profile Handbook traces the legal careers of several young ACC Australia members, details how they arrived at their first in-house counsel role, and offers key lessons learnt in these roles. Based on excerpts from the handbook, this article outlines tips and lessons from these graduates’ in-house journey.