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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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The Distributed Workforce – The Impact of Vicarious Liability on Data Breaches

By Melissa Fai, Partner, and Jack Corcoran, Lawyer, Gilbert + Tobin

This article provides an analysis of how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted companies specifically with so many companies having distributed workforces. In particular, the article examines the difficulties of applying vicarious liability to a distributed workforce, specifically with regards to when data breaches take place.


ACC Australia: Women in the House

By ACC Australia

ACC Australia's profiles of women in-house counsel celebrates and showcases their extraordinary journeys. In this article, our members share their personal and professional growth, challenges they faced, and "advice to their younger self", learning from growing.


Compliance Trends in Polish Organizations – Key Practical Takeaways from the Survey Conducted in Cooperation with the Polish Association of General Counsel

By Aleksander Stawicki, attorney-at-law, senior partner and Wojciech Kulczyk, attorney-at-law, senior associate, WKB Wierciński, Kwieciński, Baehr Sp.k.

The recently published report from the survey conducted by Polish law firm Wierciński, Kwieciński, Baehr Sp.k. (WKB) in cooperation with the Polish Association of General Counsel (the “Report”) provides useful insight into key compliance trends in Poland. In this Quick Overview, learn more about how compliance programs are viewed and internalized in Poland.


Guiding your Organisation in Supporting Social Justice Issues

By Lori Middlehurst, APAC Employment Law Lead, Salesforce, Nick Willets, Board Director (Volunteer), John Mac Foundation, and Vered Keisar, VP and GC, ResMed

In a time where social justice issues are attracting greater awareness, it is important to recognise how in-house counsel area uniquely positioned to guide their organisations in supporting these important issues.


Team Management During Covid-19

By Carolyn Reynolds, General Counsel of Vicinity Centres

How should in-house counsel deal with new work from home policies due to the Covid-19 Pandemic? In this article, learn skills and takeaways for discussions with you team.


ICYMI: Lawyers as Endurance Athletes: 5 Tips to Developing Stronger, More Resilient “Mental Muscle” in Your Life

By Heidi Brown, Professor, Brooklyn Law School and Justin Martin, Associate General Counsel, Electric
Power Research Institute and Chair, Law Department Management Network

It’s OK to not be OK, but then what? There are many dimensions to well-being, including emotional, intellectual, occupational, physical, spiritual and social. Endurance athletes use specific techniques to build emotional and mental muscle around their physical muscle, and enhance their performance. Below are tips we can use to apply the same concepts to enhance our well-being and effectiveness as in-house counsel.