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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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2251 Results

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Benchmarking and Research Data

2015 ACC Global Census Executive Summary

The information contained in this Executive Summary of Key Findings and the full report provides useful data for corporate legal departments, law firms and legal industry partners, such as recruiters, knowledge management consultants and litigation support providers as they seek to adjust to environmental changes affecting corporate practice. Legal work continues to shift among law firms, legal service providers and in-house law departments.


The New Face of Union Organizing: Corporate Campaigns, Neutrality/Card Check Agreements, and New National Labor Relations Board Initiatives

By Philip B. Rosen, Jackson Lewis
Eric P. Simon, Jackson Lewis
Jonathan J. Spitz, Jackson Lewis
Carrie L. Jabinsky, Jackson Lewis

In recent years, organized labor has employed aggressive campaign strategies and innovative techniques designed to catch unwary employers off guard. The National Labor Relations Board also has launched new initiatives that impact all employers. The information provided in this InfoPAKSM can assist in-house counsel seeking to improve a company’s ability to avoid or survive a corporate campaign, make necessary changes to comply with the National Labor Relations Act, and enhance an organization’s overall human resource posture.

Peer Practice Examples

The Role of General Counsel in Middle East

By Association of Corporate Counsel

This Leading Practices Profile, The Role of General Counsel in the Middle East, features the law department leading practices for three entities navigating the many challenges of meeting the regulatory and cultural standards placed on global corporations.