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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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2251 Results

Resource Listings


How to Handle Collaborators' Resistance to Digital Change

By Léna Yasmin Dridi

Research shows that only 30% of digital transformation initiatives succeed in meeting their goals . The primary reasons? Employee resistance and a lack of change management. Read this article to learn more about how to handle collaborators' resistance to digital change.


Navigating Your Legal Operations Career Path

By Association of Corporate Counsel

As the role of legal operations has gained recognition for its organizational impact, a structured framework for career development is still lacking.

This resource sections sets forth a career development framework. It also includes references to supporting material for additional learning and development.

Sample Forms, Policies, and Contracts

Sample Outside Counsel Guidelines

Sample outside counsel guidelines with provisions related to staffing and supervision, approval in litigation matters, billing, and other miscellaneous issues.

Benchmarking and Research Data

Chief Legal Officer Metrics Tracker

By Association of Corporate Counsel

This tracker reports key chief legal officer metrics collected annually through the ACC Chief Legal Officers Survey.

Sample Forms, Policies, and Contracts

Sample Search and Seizure Warrant

By Vincent M. Gonzales, In-house Counsel

Use this template for a search-and-seizure warrant to help conduct an exercise on how company personnel should handle the execution of a police search warrant on their place of business.


Search Warrant Pocket Checklist

By Vincent M. Gonzales, In-house Counsel

Give this pocket checklist to employees assigned to escort and monitor police during the execution of a search-and-seizure warrant on their place of business.