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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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9 Results

Resource Listings

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Sample Forms, Policies, and Contracts

Contract Maturity Scale

By InnoLaw Group

Use this matrix to identify and understand where you organization fits on the Contracting Maturity Scale.

Multimedia and Infographics

Compensation & Benefits Reference Guide

By Emanuela Nespoli and Ines Reis, lus Laboris

The purpose of this comparative overview, covering 24 countries, is to provide employers with a comprehensive overview of each jurisdiction starting with the legal sources on salary and holiday pay, and includes an analysis of how income tax and social security contributions are calculated.

Multimedia and Infographics

Comparison of Federal WARN Act and California WARN Act

Chart comparing differences the Federal WARN Act and California WARN Act in reference to triggering events, part-time employees, recipients of notice, contents of notice, sale of business, buyout provisions and penalties for non-compliance.

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Tick Tock - Women Should Bash the Clock

By Nicole Auerbach, Founding Partner at Valorem Law Group

Nicole Auerbach, Founding Partner at Valorem Law Group, discusses the disproportional impact of billable hours on women, and the how alternative billing fees are beneficial to firms and clients.