Real Estate Site Search Request
This is a sample real estate site search request form.
This is a sample real estate site search request form.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) addresses whether physicians and hospitals can offer compensation to persons providing referrals. This resource was compiled from questions and responses posted on the forum of the Health Law Committee ACC Network.
This brief resource (Top Ten) is an overview of ten industry challenges that all health care lawyers should be aware of.
Joint ventures ("JV") are a time-honored structure through which to develop real estate. This top ten offers considerations to increase the odds of a prosperous relationship.
This Top Ten discusses considerations for managing your risks before finalizing a plan for a United States capital improvement project.
This Top Ten will share key consideration when purchasing real estate in Ontario, Canada.
Investors planning to perform construction activities on the territory of Belarus have to take into account new conditions for carrying-out these activities in Belarus. This article will discuss the new requirements.
This is a sample industrial lease agreement for the state of Delaware.
This primer examines the minimum benefits that must be included in order for a health insurance policy to comply with the US Affordable Care Act (ACA).
This guide provides an overview of the important issues involved in the financing of real estate projects, including such topics as the method for creating a security interest or lien on real property, interest rate limitations, and licensing requirements for lenders in each jurisdiction.