Negotiating with the Other Party: What You Would Like to Know Before Day 1
Helpful tips to consider before you begin negotiations.
Helpful tips to consider before you begin negotiations.
Representing 1,104 CLOs and general counsel from 36 countries, the ACC Chief Legal Officers 2013 Survey provides an unbiased and in-depth analysis of the highest ranking lawyers in corporate legal departments—reviewing their top concerns for the past 12 months, today, and into the future, and a prioritization of their business issues.
A list of ACC legal resources related to each session presented at the Risk Management Track of the Mini MBA Business Education course held at Boston University.
This report presents results on a subset of respondents from the Association of Corporate Counsel’s Chief Legal Officer (CLO) 2013 Survey, published in January 2013. A total of 1,104 individuals from 36 countries participated in this survey to provide a global outlook of CLOs worldwide. This report provides results and analysis of respondents from Canada (n=50) as well as demographic information, such as staffing, budget changes, revenue and more, while also exploring intangibles such as CCLOs’ top legal and business concerns for the past 12 months and their anticipations for the future.
To better understand the chief legal officer’s perspective, the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) contacted 9,489 individuals holding the title of chief legal officer or general counsel, gathering responses from 1,289 CLOs in 46 countries. The ACC Chief Legal Officers Survey examines the practices, trends and changes in the role of the CLO by key segments such as industry, compensation, gender and region.
ACC homepage poll results for the week of 8/22/2011 - 8/28/2011.
This is a worksheet for use during negotiations listing objectives achieved, not achieved, and compromise solutions.
This publication has been prepared to provide an overview to foreign investors and business people who have an interest in doing business in Honduras.
Based on responses from over 5,000 in-house counsel in 73 countries, ACC's 2015 Census Report offers legal departments, law firms, and other legal industry partners insight into one of the largest ever samplings of the in-house community.
Purchase an electronic copy of the full survey or download the free Executive Summary below.
This is a sample lease agreement specifically for the state of New York.