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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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327 Results

Resource Listings


New Rules for Leases of Public Ports (Brazil)

By Eduardo Amaral Gurgel Kiss, Partner of Demarest Advogados

In the brink of the expected port bids in Brazil, the National Agency for Waterway Transportation has issued new rules for lease projects related to public ports.


Don’t Sign Blind: Cost Allocation in Commercial Leases

By Paul S. Rutter and Josh Leonard

As the commercial real estate market begins to recover, the current tenant-friendly environment may begin to shift. However, there is still time to maximize your economic position under the current market dynamics by understanding several basic key issues. Recognize how your company can fortify an advantageous position today, rather than wallow in regret tomorrow.


Tendered is the Contract: Nuances of EU Land Development

By James Thomson and Matthew Hall

In the European Union, public procurement law is characterized by a myriad of idiosyncrasies and gray areas that should be closely analyzed before delving too deeply into any land development agreement. If deemed a public works contract, it may be subject to a compulsory tendering process, even if the local developer has assured you otherwise. Read this article to avoid rash decision-making that could potentially give your competitors the upper hand.


Rent: Just One Side of a Commercial Lease Agreement

By Elliot Miller and Tyrone L. Lufman

As a tenant or a landlord entering into a commercial lease agreement, are you confident enough to negotiate the best possible lease? Overlooking any number of provisions could result in an unnecessary, long-term legal dispute. Learn the basics of commercial lease negotiations, other than just what you are paying in rent.


Outsource Resource - Virtual Real Estate Management

By Kenneth A. Cutshaw

The management responsiblities of a chief legal officer (CLO) sometimes extend into the realm of real estate and property of the company. This responsibility can often involve making crucial decisions into how the property should be maintained. This article explores the different dimensions of the job, and varying methods for management.


Perfecting Project Management

By Gregory Ritts, James Shannon and Martin Hopkins

Many in-house and outside counsel seem reluctant to embrace the project management approach to plan development. However, a consistent system to coordinate action, measure progress and respond to change could be the key to improving legal work efficiency. The benefits of project management — greater efficiency and profitability — will only be achieved through collaboration between the department and the firm.


Breaking Down Commerical Equipment Lease Agreements

By Jasbir Khalsa

Your company can use assets and preserve capital by leasing commercial equipment. Learn to identify an agreement that will deliver tangible benefits — secure warranties on the equipment, protect capital and credit lines, and give your client tax advantages, among others.