Recent Changes to the Legal Regime of Tourism Developments (Portugal)
A recent Portuguese law implemented important modifications to tourism. This article aims to highlight in a non-exhaustive manner the changes that are of most consequence.
A recent Portuguese law implemented important modifications to tourism. This article aims to highlight in a non-exhaustive manner the changes that are of most consequence.
As legal situations are in a constant state of flux because of the topical nature of the issue mandatory national law and current case law should always be complied with when using the clauses.
Early BIM demonstration projects have achieved savings of around 20% in the construction phase, some projects are expected to make a 33% cost savings over the life of the project and future projects are targeting even greater savings. Read more about BIM in this article.
This resource contains information and recommendations on the socially responsible view of 'green lease clauses'.
This is a Forbes article addressing how crowdfunding has changed real estate investing.
A contractor agreement delineating premises liability for the subcontractor.
Under Turkish law, cross-border financial lease agreements must be registered by the Association of Financial Leasing, Factoring and Financing Companies. This article provides a quick peek on the novation or assignment of leases.
This is an Insights article provides a current outlook on real estate crowdfunding.
Difficulties often arise for applicants and assessment managers where an applicant is seeking to make changes to a development application or approval
The Seller’s Property Condition Disclosure was a form updated to provide an added layer of protection for the buyer in a commercial transaction.