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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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266 Results

Resource Listings

Sample Forms, Policies, and Contracts

Sample Retainage Bond

By McGuireWoods LLP

This sample retainage bond covers parties who have entered into a construction supply agreement.


The Importance of Designating Successor Trust Beneficiaries in Real Estate Management Trusts (Mexico)

By By Marimar Perez-Cacheaux, Esq. and Ramon Concha, Esq.

Mexico has many trusts that were created for foreigners to acquire and own real estate in the restricted zone (a strip of 50 kilometers – approximately 31 miles – along the coast, or 100 kilometers – approximately 62 miles – from the border). This article explains the process through which a foreigner names the person or persons who will replace him or her as trust beneficiary in the event of death.

Program Materials

Advanced Issues in Purchasing Real Estate in Mexico

By Thomas Becket
Michael Ferrier
Jason Gordon
Rodolfo Rivera

Real estate transactions in Mexico are complicated. Foreigners are prohibited from purchasing real estate in certain areas, while in other areas agrarian rights can affect the purchasers title to real estate. This program will discuss in detail the how legal transactions are processed in Mexico.

Program Materials

Allocating Environmental Risks in Commercial and Real Estate Transactions

Environmental risks and liabilities, which can be substantial, are a part of most commercial and real estate transactions involving in-house counsel. Parties to a transaction must identify, evaluate and allocate those risks and liabilities in order to protect their interests; and the parties—sellers, purchasers, lenders and insurance companies—have diverse perspectives and methods for managing environmental risks. Learn the sources of environmental liabilities, including federal and state statutes, implementing regulations, local ordinances and rules and common law. Then discover contractual provisions for allocating or limiting environmental risks, including definitions, representations and warranties, covenants and conditions precedent, indemnities, releases and other contractual mechanisms to allocate or limit such risks. Speakers also will reveal non-contractual ways to allocate or limit environmental risks, including deed restrictions and environmental insurance.