This is a sample lease agreement for the states of Delaware and California.
This article argues that the path of Chinese land reform better fits a “bundle of sticks” than “law of things” view of property rights. It also examines the recent policy developments following the third plenum of the 18th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and finds that policy makers have stuck to the stick by stick approach.
A review of the state of real estate in Portugal and recent trends in 2013.
Fires on commercial and industrial premises are an unfortunate fact of life for landlords, tenants, and
insurers. In the wake of a fire loss, investigations may reveal that the fire was in fact caused by the negligence of a tenant or a tenant’s employee. This article reviews Canadian case law regarding subrogation and the covenant to insure in commercial leases.
This is a Bloomberg article addressing the real estate crowdfunding land rush.
This article speaks about when purchasing or leasing residential or commercial real estate the dimensions of the building are an important aspect and if you can rely on the information provided by the seller or real estate agent?
This comprehensive guide provides an overview of key legal and regulatory aspects of doing business in Germany. This guide is part of the Lex Mundi Guides to Doing Business series which provides general information about legal and business infrastructures in jurisdictions around the world.
This article points out that in all rent regimes (retail space, business accommodation space and housing accommodation) changes in rent are possible with the cooperation of the counterparty or through a procedure before an independent body in the Netherlands.
This short article uses a fact pattern to explore which party (lessor or lessee) is responsible under Dutch law for repairing commercial real estate that has been damaged, possibly as a consequence of activities by a contractor brought in by the lessee. Who has to repair the damage, the lessor or the lessee?