Sunshine Act Reporting Information Packet
This sample is a Sunshine Act reporting information packet.
This sample is a Sunshine Act reporting information packet.
This document includes sample business associate agreement provisions to help covered entities and business associates more easily comply with the business associate contract requirements.
This sample agreement is intended to satisfy the parties’ obligation under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and its implementing regulations (45 CFR Parts 160-164), including all subsequent amendments (“HIPAA”) and is incorporated into all applicable services agreements between the parties.
A brief overview (Top Ten) of recent changes to the Physician Payment Sunshine Act Regulations, including a review of revised deadlines, new definitions, and other payment categories.
The US Affordable Care Act (a/k/a Health Care Reform, or the ACA) is complicated. While there is nothing in the ACA that requires any employer to provide group health care coverage to its employees, the failure to do so can come with a price. The ACA is a game changer - one that requires a different approach to compliance than in the past. As with any complex law, the devil is in the details. This article contains some of the big picture strategies to consider when dealing with the ACA.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) addresses the use of medical marijuana in the workplace, under US law. This resource was compiled from questions and responses posted on the forum of the Employment & Labor ACC Network.*
This Top Ten article addresses considerations for employers in states with medical or otherwise legal marijuana in the US.
Health and Safety is generally regulated under the Brazilian Labor Code and more specifically by the Ministry of Labor through its Regulations ("NR"). The regulations vary according to industry, type of work, premises and number of employees. The rules involve minimum standards of sanitation, safety, comfort, medical control programs (as described below) and risk prevention.
This Top Ten deals with the growth of telehealth in the US healthcare industry, and related issues (such as licensure, insurance, remote prescribing, and more.
This sample form is an agreement between a medical facility and a billing company to provide billing and collection services.