Hospitals and Other Providers “Standard and Miscellaneous Terms”
The purpose of this checklist is to identify certain “standard” and “miscellaneous” terms that a contract drafter should consider when preparing a health care contract.
The purpose of this checklist is to identify certain “standard” and “miscellaneous” terms that a contract drafter should consider when preparing a health care contract.
The purpose of this checklist is to identify certain key considerations that a contract drafter should consider when a health care provider entity is preparing a contract with one or more physicians.
In-house counsel can take advantage of delays in the effective date of several key Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements to refine their health care strategies for 2014 and 2015. This program will focus on the ACA requirement that most employers provide all full-time employees (who average 30 or more hours per week) with health coverage that meets federal standards of affordability and minimum value. There is no “one-size-fits-all” compliance model for businesses. This presents both a compliance challenge and a strategic opportunity for in-house counsel. Our panelists will provide sophisticated information on how to take into account factors about your company — including its turnover rate, reliance on part-time employees, vulnerability to union organizing, use of staffing agencies, seasonal fluctuation and systems for tracking hours worked — in choosing a health plan design and coverage options. We will also cover how your company will deal with the new state-based insurance exchanges, as well as new rules on waiting periods and wellness programs. Panelists will answer specific questions on these new requirements and enforcement issues.
This is a panelist document list.
This is a chart depicting 2015 Supreme Court opinions impacting the healthcare industry.
This is a chart showing the comparison of provincial health information protection legislation in Canada.
As a result of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH), many businesses which weren’t subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) are suddenly struggling to understand their requirements and responsibilities under HIPAA. For example, the session will cover requirements and responsibilities related to negotiating contracts, accepting liability, providing indemnity and complying with federal requirements. This session will also discuss Business Associate Agreements: who is subject, what a subject entity is required to do (and what they’re not required to do), and what that means for their business –– especially if the business isn’t actually in the healthcare field. This includes an understanding of what should and shouldn’t be in the agreement; what may seem to be boilerplate should be carefully examined. A basic understanding of HIPAA requirements will be helpful for this session.
2015 promises to be another banner year in healthcare for the Supremes. The Court is set to hear cases on tax-credit subsidies under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, breach of fiduciary duties under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, and provider challenges to Medicaid rates, among others. A panel of in-house counsel and a current practitioner will summarize the Court’s holdings impacting the healthcare arena, including any concurring and/or dissenting opinions, and what impact the decisions may have on the in-house health lawyer, as well as looking forward to what is coming ahead for the Court.
Taking a cue from the popular TV show 24, the Health Law Committee plans to solve a US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) breach in 90 minutes. In this interactive session, panelists will take on various roles, like CEO, CIO, security officer, privacy officer, compliance officer and general counsel, as they take the audience through simulated breach scenarios involving protected health information. Garner substantive information and practical tips for managing HIPAA incidents and data breaches as the speakers are challenged in real time to address the details provided by attendees.
This presenter speaks about Medicare updates to the Affordable Care Act (ACA)