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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Resource Listings


Navigating Multistate Practice for In-House Counsel

By Association of Corporate Counsel

In-house counsel in the U.S. are moving from state to state now more than ever. If you are going to work as in-house counsel in a state where you are not licensed, what do you need to consider?


Representations & Warranties

This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion), compiled from responses posted on the Nonprofit Organizations Forum, discusses whether it is common for non-profit entities to refuse to agree to representations & warranties in a contract.

Sample Forms, Policies, and Contracts

Sample Law School Course Proposals, Syllabi, and Exams

Teaching law school is an exciting opportunity for in-house counsel to share their practical knowledge and help develop the next generation of lawyers. View a compilation of course proposals, syllabi, and exams, that have been created and used by members of the in-house community who have taught or are teaching a class in law school.

Sample Forms, Policies, and Contracts

Sample Syllabus for the Law School Course "In-house Counsel: Law and Practice"

By Veta T. Richardson, President and CEO of the Association of Corporate Counsel, and Justin Connor, Executive Director of the Center for Industry Self-Regulation

Are you an in-house professional interested in teaching a law school course? You may wonder how peers who teach law school designed their syllabus. Take a look at the syllabus developed by Veta T. Richardson, ACC President and CEO, and Justin Connor, Executive Director, Center for Industry Self-Regulation.

Sample Forms, Policies, and Contracts

Sample Teaching Material: Briefing to Law School Students Regarding Graded Assignments

By Veta T. Richardson, ACC President and CEO, and Justin A. Connor, Executive Director of the Center for Industry Self-Regulation

This is a sample briefing by law school professors to their students regarding graded assignments. This material was created by Veta T. Richardson, President and CEO of the Association of Corporate Counsel, and Justin Connor, Executive Director of the Center for Industry Self-Regulation, as part of their law school course titled "In-house Counsel: Law and Practice."

Program Materials

Building an In-house Department from Scratch: Identifying Priorities, Red Flags, & Managing Business Relationships

By Emir Crowne, General Counsel at Brock Solutions; Sherie Edwards, VP Corporate & Legal at SVMIC; Dick Mosher, retired CLO/GC/AGC from Loctronix / Ball / Maytag / Hoover, and Senior Consultant at the Vanguard Network; and Matt Nolan, Assistant General Counsel at Honeywell Sensing & Safety Technologies

View checklists on building a law department, in the materials from this presentation by in-house counsel.